Your brain is sitting in a sealed, completely dark room with wires coming out of the walls. to – 301 points –

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Nah, it was pretty obvious. It's not his fault y'all are dumb as fuck. It happens! Just be happy you learned something today

Going on like you're interested in philosophy and saying things like "y'all are dumb as fuck", especially in this context, are incongruous and you really missed a great opportunity to stay quiet.

Acting like common slang is somehow incongruous with "philosophical" conversation and voicing that opinion is hilariously hypocritical. I urge you to consider what it is about that language that upsets you so much and take some time to work on it. I use common slang mostly because the point is obvious and using big words makes people feel like the speaker thinks they are above everyone they are speaking to. I wrote out that entire long ass sentence instead of saying you sound like a conceited jackass because I know you edge from unnecessarily long phrases.

Eh? I didn't have a problem with it being in slang. You could've asked if that was the problem and come off looking more honest.