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Joined 13 months ago

The NCTA has repeatedly stated over the years that net neutrality rules aren't needed because ISPs already follow net neutrality principles. "Internet service providers have always delivered open, unrestricted Internet service. Consumers enjoy the web content and applications of their choosing without any blocking, throttling, or interference," the group said.

Lmao, really? The audacity of these cunts.

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Leave vaping alone, but ban those single use vapes with rechargable lithium ion batteries in them. It’s absolutely insane to me the amount of waste from throwing out perfectly good rechargeable batteries after one cycle.

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Software updates should absolutely be recalls. Ship a complete vehicle or don’t. I absolutely do not want cars to turn in what games are today. I do not want hotfixes on my car because they didn’t test. Fuck an OTA update too, I don’t want that either, if they need an update it’s a recall and the cars have to go back to the shop. I want it to hurt and appropriately damage the company’s reputation.

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The amount of niche info that would have been found in searchable forum posts in years prior, that has now gotten sucked up into Discord where it can’t be found, fucking blows.

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Flowing robes 100%, literally designed for being in the heat and sun. 35C isn’t even that bad, it’s hotter in Texas.

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The style in which that post by Ophelia_SK is written seems exactly like chatGPT. I can’t quite put my finger on what exactly makes me feel so strongly, but it’s something to do with how sentences and paragraphs are constructed. They always have the same cadence with the commas and how thoughts are laid out. It’s got that generically positive tone as well.

Kinda cool though, I feel like I’m becoming able to spot these. It’s like being able to spot a photoshop by the pixels. I’ve seen quite a few shops in my time.

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“His management has left scientists reconsidering the value of X” is a funny line

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Detection and treatment of Lyme is notoriously difficult. Why would you not prefer a preventive solution?

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Guinness records and IQ tests - both seem unreliable to me

I agree. Just give me some decent posts and discussion. For niche things I can go to a big platform with all the users. For my daily browsing, I appreciate a small but active community.

It’s not Tesla that I hate. It’s shipping products too quickly.

The inconvenience is the point. I want people to be inconvenienced, myself included. That means people complain to one another. I’ll know which models suck simply by talking to people around me. I do not want quiet stealthy patches for things like an accelerator pedal. Either do it right or pay the price. We used to make cars without hot fixes, we don’t need to start. It will allow auto manufacturers to further cut corners and push for faster releases with less testing, and we pay the price with our lives.

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That’s the thing, I don’t want to go to the video.

It’s a flex.

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Soy sauce, Kikkoman isn’t going to be beat by a store brand. Likewise with Lea & Perrins Worcestershire sauce.

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I don't see how complex electronic implants can be designed to function on the same timelines as "inactive pieces of metal".

Considering the already existing issues with inactive implants, maybe electronics shouldn’t be allowed in implants until they can demonstrate reliability.

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“Disorientated” gets me. Why not save a few letters and use “disoriented”? You don’t orientate yourself to your environment, you orient yourself.

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Absolutely needs a hit counter.

Genuine question, not being sarcastic.

What’s the benefit to the average end user to modernizing NTFS?

Sure, I love having btrfs on my NAS for all the features it brings, but I’m not a normal person. What significant changes that would affect your average user does NTFS require to modernize it?

I just see it as an “if it’s not broken” type thing. I can’t say I’ve ever given the slightest care about what filesystem my computer was running until I got into NAS/backups, which itself was a good 10 years after I got into building PCs. The way I see it, it doesn’t really matter when I’m reinstalling every few years and have backups elsewhere.

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Let me consume nicotine in the least harmful method available. You don’t get to dictate what I do with my body. That includes all drugs.

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Not accurate whatsoever. It’s not at all based in science, and when cannabis is actually tested, they’re cherry picking samples.

Edit: source!

Lots of good info in that source. TL;DR -

The observed data does not support the classification between indica and sativa as it is commonly presented in current cannabis culture.

This isn’t fear mongering. You cannot participate in political rallies etc in uniform.

Edit: this is more of a weekend safety brief thing

At issue was a planned Nov. 17 event dubbed the "Dakota Patriot Rally" at the state fairgrounds in Minot, and the text warned personnel "to be cautious" if they were in the area, especially because some rally-goers "could be confrontational to military members."

Nothing you send out to the internet can be deleted.

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Do we want to go through that again but with Millennials and Tiktok?

No, but I don’t think banning an app will solve the problem, just like banning drugs doesn’t solve that issue. We need good education so people have critical thinking skills and can make good decisions for themselves. Even if a legal method was used to address the issue, banning a specific app will do little. I think you’d have to address the algorithmic delivery of content altogether to do this.

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Some brand name chocolate (Hersheys) is disgusting due to their use of butyric acid. Vomit chocolate

The headline seems much more sensational than the numbers lead me to believe.

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That was stated to the people who outed him.

They waive the 20% fee on bandcamp friday, all money goes to the artist.

Air is significantly cleaner now than the 70s/80s, and airplanes still continuously replace the air because it’s not airtight. It’s pressurized but always leaking a bit. It is not expensive nor was it turned off. About half the air is recirculated after passing through a HEPA filter, the rest is fresh air (well, fresh bleed air).

I’ve been spending a majority of my time on here when I do my “Redditing”. I only visit the old site for niche topics. I spend as little time as possible there, I don’t upvote or downvote anything, and I don’t comment either. It’s read-only for me out of principle. I save all interactions for the fediverse.

I doubt all the communities will rebuild elsewhere, but I’m okay with that. Some fragmentation is necessary. Smaller communities make individual voices louder, and you have less ugly “sidedness”. When humans get into a critical mass IRL they can start to do strange things, I think we see this in social media as well.

Could have been a text list

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That doesn’t refute my point. Thailand has ladyboys, sure, but there are easily 10x the number of female sex workers. It’s one of the most well known cis sex tourism destinations.

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Enemy at the Gates is a decent flick, but it’s pretty inaccurate. I wouldn’t be citing it as a source on what actually happened on the eastern front.

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That picture is from combat in Syria in 2017. That’s still accurate to today. They still drop bombs like that, they aren’t all glide bombs.

If what you had was effective, it wasn’t homeopathic. Homeopathy requires very large amounts of dilution, to the point there aren’t even two molecules of the active ingredient present in a dose.

Used? Still uses. Outlook is how all the US military handles email, by extension I’d assume that’s how all .gov handles unclassified email.

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Thailand isn't really famous for it's ciswomen prostitutes...

Uhh, what? Yes it is.

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What you get is both downsides rather than both advantages. It can’t fly fast enough for fixed wing, nor can it fly slow enough for rotary, meaning it can’t effectively be escorted. It doesn’t have the range or speed of fixed wing, nor can’t it hover as well as a helicopter. It requires special logistical channels. It’s finicky to fly and high maintenance. Because the rotors are so heavily loaded it creates significant rotor wash and it’s especially susceptible to vortex ring state. It can’t glide like fixed wing and can’t autorotate like rotary for a power loss in flight.

It’s garbage. The idea of using these for rescue or VIP transport is laughable.

Fiber optics aren’t wires, though.

I'm from the US and just upvoted that. Please don't stereotype. I know there's a lot of idiots here, but we're not all stupid.

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