Cable lobby vows “years of litigation” to avoid bans on blocking and throttling to – 614 points –
Cable lobby vows “years of litigation” to avoid bans on blocking and throttling

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The NCTA has repeatedly stated over the years that net neutrality rules aren't needed because ISPs already follow net neutrality principles. "Internet service providers have always delivered open, unrestricted Internet service. Consumers enjoy the web content and applications of their choosing without any blocking, throttling, or interference," the group said.

Lmao, really? The audacity of these cunts.

Wow. Talk about professional gaslighting. Not enough people are aware that the Obama-era FTC enacted the policy because AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon were all caught throttling Netflix and prioritizing their own competing services.

And tethering. Verizon was basically forced to stop blocking tethering apps by the FCC. My complaint was one of the ones which started the enforcement.

Maybe if they didn't sell people more bandwidth than they could provide they wouldn't have to throttle people below the service they paid for to work for everyone.

I would, in theory, be all for allowing companies to prioritize latency to services and protocols that benefit from it. Except they oversell the absolute shit out of their service, and can't be trusted to give you what you pay for if they don't like your traffic.

Failing to provide the full bandwidth they advertised for even one percent of a given month should result in fines that massively exceed what they charged for that month. Selling shit you don't have is not acceptable.

Oh good, if that is all true, you wont have to change anything to be compliant with new laws and should have no issue with them.

It's funny because wireless ISPs literally advertise that they throttle video to certain resolutions unless you buy a higher tier.

ROFL! Order today and you can get unlimited bandwidth for YouTube and Netflix specifically!

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