3 Post – 163 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Or with opnsense as well

That is true, I didn't consider that as I don't use them.

Headscale and zerotier as well

You can selfhost it on a vps with headscale

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I would but you'd probably say "it's not canon" or something like that /j (I'm equally start trek and star wars, I can hate and agree with everyone!)

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Klingons disagree, but still you made me laugh. Thanks! 😂

Old but gold

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I guess they really never got over losing that slavery thing...

I've been using matrix for years to this purpose, but moving to xmpp/prosody now

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If you are looking for no fuss (and no bloatware), check out Fairphone. They provide OS updates for at least 5 years, and with the last one they say it will receive updates for even longer.

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As my username implies, I sometimes fall out of the loop on things. Who are gen Alpha now please? Should I tell them to not touch the thermostat? (just kidding, it's all locked down, I'm an old geek).

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"don't touch my junk" - "not bad for a first date" - "any message for the other side?" - "I'll let you know what the old man says" - "delete my browser history" - "I forgot the stove on"

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You have a big family if you have 75 relatives lol! Happy new year!

Might be a tricky example. The answer to that according to a certain cadet is to cheat. Not sure gf would appreciate that.

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Proton a few years ago disclosed the IP address of the user of a certain mailbox upon request by LEA. That was enough to get the person found and arrested (I don't remember what the case was about). They HAVE to comply with these requests, but they DON'T need to log/retain those info ETA: and I was wrong, thanks to set me straight. But I think the point still stands. I don't want to be ALWAYS be tied to a VPN, there are some scenarios where I can't use a VPN.

That was the moment I decided to selfhost my email server.

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And that's why the billionaires are investing in spaceships... Seriously though, they are really buying "doomsday" properties to ride it out.

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Yeah ok. First of all, because I can 😁. I mean z what's good being an IT nerd if I can't change stuff when I want?

Jokes aside, I've been reading more recently on matrix and looks like there are some security issues in the design of the app/protocol. I'm on mobile now, I'll look for sources when I'm on pc. Also I don't like that it is a server centric system (so data is primarily on the server instead of the clients). Also it takes more resources than I was expecting. For less than 10 users I can't have less than 4gb of ram (on a dedicated debian server, running docker) or it swaps so much it kills the system.

So basically I'm testing out if xmpp is a better system for those issues.

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Only if she was ovulating. Otherwise not worth it (I'm kidding of course, I buy my dirty panties in bulk)

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I have been using opnsense on a very cheap celeron nuc for a few years, very happy with it

What do you mean by "cope"? How do I explain it? Either shit happens because of bad luck (e.g. A bird shits on me) or because someone did something wrong (e.g. Somebody got distracted while driving and broke my side mirror). It's not supernatural entity, it's just statistical probability.

How do I cope mentally? Tv, videogames, a beer o two and a nice meal. Talk to my wife. Remember to play with my kids.

Or not even hire replacements, so they cut workforce AND don't have to pay severance packages. Costs are reduced, earning are higher, shareholder are happy. Yes, it's a relatively short term plan, but that's what analysts and investors care about, short term returns.

The ultimate boss fight is hosting your email server AND making your family use it

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Hum, I hate to be that guy, but the good (experienced) bad actors have multiple profiles curated exactly for this reason. There's a reason why companies require proof of identity and a background security check.

Nobody's normal, we are all weird in our own way.

For distance, no. Day to day we use mm, cm, m and km. But in more specialised settings (e.g. construction) I've seen sometimes decameters.

For weight yes, grams, hectograms, kg, tons. Liquids is usually ml, cl, liters, hectoliters (not sure it's spelt that way).

In labs I've also seen also micro and nano of all three units.

When my wife asks me "why are you doing [insert weird thing of the moment in my homelab]?" most of the times I answer "because I can!".

Apart some of the already mentioned (mindustry, 0ad, beyond all reasons, zero-k), also minetest (minecraft), destination sol.

l've tried hege wars (worms clone) but found it meh. Sometimes supertux.

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Can confirm, I like both

Quit smoking.

Apart from that, it's been a clusterfuck.

He's a man of focus, commitment, and sheer fucking will

I can agree on this statement

That's not how the prison industry works. There's no money in fixing people if you can use them as unpaid labour.

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That is not the point. The company has to evaluate if cleaning up properly costs more than the fines of dumping the cargo in the sea. They don't care about the batteries anymore, they just want to minimize losses.

Username checks out! Also you're absolutely right, just last month I was looking for the best compression algorithm/packages to archive a 70gb DB

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Port forwarding is unsafe, but even crossing the road is unsafe. Do you cross the road without watching? In the same way, you just don't let a published server online without doing regular updates. You set up docker, run nextcloud (docker) behind nginx proxy manager, and have watchtower update them regularly. You can also setup 2fa in docker, and pair it with fail2ban.

Every port open widens the attack surface, but those services are made to be published, so there are mitigations against the risks.

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for the downvoters, it's a song from a Monthy Python movie, so comedy (and great one at that!)

I literally have a t-shirt that says "support piracy".

Welcome aboard! There is no need to be a programmer to work on Linux. I'm no programmer either and have been enjoying Linux for many years.

About the distro, it's a conversation ad old as the first fork lol. It depends in part what you want to do with it. I've used many in 20+ years. I've settled eith endeavourOS for my desktop (after a few years of Linux Mint) and debian on the servers. I play and work on it without any problems (although I have a radeon rx580 card).

I've never used popOS, but all major distros have a fairly simple install process, especially if you use the whole hd and don't need fancy config. Or you can start relatively hard and use gentoo. It will take a while (and thanks the fact that stage1 is not the default anymore) but you'll learn a lot of how linux works.

Feel free to ask if you want to know more.

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You generally (it depends by country) don't get paid anymore between 6 and 12 months. But you still have a job. So when they get tired of using her womb like clown car, they could back to work. Also is usually (again varies by country) shared parental leave. So between both parents up to the maximum allowance.

Holy shit I had that book as a kid! I haven't seen those pictures in almost 40 years!

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