What is your favourite Open-Source game?

⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻@aussie.zone to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 286 points –

I personally love Naev and Mindustry


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Apart some of the already mentioned (mindustry, 0ad, beyond all reasons, zero-k), also minetest (minecraft), destination sol.

l've tried hege wars (worms clone) but found it meh. Sometimes supertux.

Haven't played Minetest in a while. I remember having lots of fun with modding. 0ad is also another great open source title

Lately the modding has been getting really good, and while the game engine already has volumetric lighting (or something), there are even mods now that render everything beautifully that probably need a really good graphics card to keep up with.

I had the same experience with Hedgewars, but I can't really say why it doesn't click like Worms for me.