⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻

@⸻ Ban DHMO 🇦🇺 ⸻@aussie.zone
13 Post – 256 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I accidentally went 18 seconds and got a microSD, just be careful of microwaves with different power for the correct parameters, but this is known to work

The automatic updates are really good it would be better if they integrated with GNOME software, but it is still a distro I would recommend to people who want something that "just works". Atomic really is the future of linux

Their instructions aren't quite right, I did find that I had to change the icon theme back to adwaita myself using GNOME tweaks.

Recently switched to bluefin from workstation, I was initially a bit held back by all of the GNOME customisations, but they're pretty straightforward to revert back to default. While I like the idea of automatic updates it would be nice if it integrated with GNOME software to make it easier to control. Otherwise if you're looking for an immutable/atomic desktop and want it to pretty much work out of the box I would highly recommend

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Yeah I use silverblue on another computer and previously on this one, but the killer feature of bluefin is that NVIDIA drivers and codecs are built right into the image (as with the other ublue images) meaning that you don't need to layer them and risk a bad upgrade. I'm planning on bringing the other computer over as well even though it's AMD, at least I'll get ROCm and the codecs.

I just want to clarify as OP, I didn't post this because I support it, I posted it because it's stupid and just a taste of the very poor takes out there

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You can just not watch it. I think it's their genuine opinion probably not rage bait

Yeah I think he must be a troll or a total fuckwit. Just checked out his video about the 8gb mac mini letting him down and it seems to just be a joke. The comments on his videos seem legit and in support of what he's saying, I have seen videos from Apple fanboys, and I suppose Windows fanboys must be a thing. I don't think he's smart enough to call him a troll so I'll stick with fuckwit.

Good idea, done.

Yeah rip the post content, probably just drive-by downvoters

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I wouldn't recommend watching it, but the central argument of this video is to do with software support. They argue that "open source" was more relevant prior to the internet (in servers?) due to the long turnaround time in getting a software vender (in this video IBM) to fix a bug in their software, arguing that by having access to the source code support could instruct the server maintainer what changes to make without them needing to send the tape to IBM to debug (apparently that was something they did, but it seems people in the video comments disagree with this hinting that the youtuber has no actual experience in this area). They argue that due to high speed internet support can release software fixes much quicker so having access to the source code isn't useful as paying for support contracts is a better option for businesses rather than having people who understand the software they're running. Apparently this is the only reason why open source is useful. They go on to argue that Linux is only popular on servers because RedHat's support contracts are cheaper than Microsoft's, something which I doubt and probably has more to do with the kernel and OS being easy to modify and control allowing it to be extended to a large variety of use cases instead of writing a new system from scratch.

There's lots of issues with their argument and some have claimed it is trolling but I reckon that would be giving them too much credit. It is likely they are just an idiot fanboying for their favourite companies desperately trying to justify their irrational biases

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Happy to provide. YouTube gave me brainrot by recommending this idiot to me, now I pass the brainrot on to everyone else

Exactly, what the video fails to mention is the eventuality that the software ceases to be supported, then what? You've built your entire business around this piece of software and it would cost more to migrate to something else than having someone who understands the code or perhaps someone doing it for free on the internet. But with server software especially, I wouldn't be surprised if some of this proprietary stuff ends up going SaaS only ripping off any companies that self host.

The title was the same thing but without the "[Very bad take] " bit, I probably wouldn't have read the description and just jumped to the comments. I don't really care about votes though, I find comments much more interesting. If I post content I just take any votes as a review of the content, if I've commented my honest opinion and put some thought into the comment only to get downvotes and no comments really explaining why then I'm a bit disappointed.

There are two things in the world I can't stand: people who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.

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Why make new apps, we should be focusing on rewriting everything in Rust /s

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The average consumer isn't going to toss out a good computer they bought if it can't run Windows 11. They're certainly not installing Linux. They'll keep using Windows 10 for as long as they can. I've seen way too much of Windows XP still running on people's computers, if it can still browse the web, access emails and look at Facebook they're not spending money on a new one

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I'm not really sure what you're saying here. Microsoft have every right to fix the bug themselves and the maintainer has every right not to. Open source software doesn't come with a warranty in most licensed.

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He's giving us blue steel

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I'd be happy with a static image, hosted by the website which when clicked takes you to the advertiser's website

Sorry but this post is clearly anti-Semitic as it fails to condemn HAMAS' violent attack on 7th of October 2023. /s

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To be fair the extension developers were given quite a while to update their extensions to use JavaScript modules instead of the custom GNOME solution. This was actually a change for the better and unlikely to happen again which should make extension development easier. As for better tiling look up their mosaic thing which was announced a while ago, though I'm unsure as to how soon that will come out.

Also try to remember that GNOME is developed mostly by volunteers who frankly owe you nothing

The GNOME desktop environment is way better than the proprietary alternatives in MacOS and Windows

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And here's to the next forty!

Gave up on office a couple of years ago when I discovered bastet:

For people who enjoy swearing at their computer, Bastet (short for Bastard Tetris) is an attractive alternative to Microsoft Word.


Haha losers. Imagine not having some form of preferential voting. Catch up idiots

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It's not that they made a big report. It's that they, a multi-billion dollar company, had the nerve to mark it as "High Priority" and request that a volunteer fix it for them so their proprietary commercial product would work. It's that they do nothing for the project but expect the world from it. That's the problem.

I've got nothing against bug reports, infact I've made some myself, they help development. Demanding they are fixed is a different thing entirely.

Sorry if my previous comment sounded like an insult.

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I suppose they would be calling it ffs then

Most of them do, I think the main achievement is getting the eGPU set up

It's probably the best scripting language, especially for developers of C-style languages. Python has weird syntax and is slow, Lua is really fast but also has weird syntax. JavaScript looks pretty much like C syntax wise. It's also possible to use a wide range of existing JavaScript projects to make extension development less burdensome

Electron can be done well, like vscode does. In saying that, it almost never seems to happen

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Nintendo would bomb aid workers if they thought they were carrying yuzu source code

I like the simplicity of wired headphones

Easily add libraries to my C and C++ Projects without f'cking around in visual studio

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That and paint are the two things I miss moving from Windows

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No idea where this "7 times cheaper" comes

Probably from back when Toshiba was relevant

Linux isn't inherently bad at gaming, it's more like games are bad at Linux

Flatpaks are much better than AppImages because they don't bring in all of their dependencies, they inherit them from a runtime.

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I doubt it, there's not much for them to gain from it but a lot to lose

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Fuck off Israel. No one should help these Nazis

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