1 Post – 135 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Why not just disable the Ubuntu pro ads in the mean time?

Israel has perpetuated 80% of the cross-border attacks for the past year, but sure please tell me again how Hezbollah, which was established as a direct result of Israeli aggression, are the ones who should stop. That's insane.

Oh nooooo who could have seen this coming... anyway continues using Lemmy

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I really hate the term “side-loading.” We shouldn’t need a word for the normal way we’ve been installing apps for the past 40 years. If tomorrow Apple decided they were going to start only letting you visit web pages they approved of, we wouldn’t call some sort of alternating system that let you see the rest of the fucking internet “side-paging”. We’d instead call the whole thing bullshit.


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I choose to privately self-host open source AI models and stuff on Linux. It's almost like technology is a tool and corps are the ones fucking things up. Hmmm, imagine that.

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It hurts to think about the timelines that could have been.

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I wish you could slap a custom rom on whatever phone you want and it Just Works™ like you can slap linux on any PC, but instead we get apps that potentially don't work, locked bootloaders, push notifications tied to Google Play Services, and whatever else. You can put Lineage on the EU version of my phone but not the US version because fuck you. I hate how corpo centric phones have become. Like Google shouldn't be allowed to hijack my entire screen for an ad or an app update. The entire modern definition of "sideloading" is BS, apps have access by default to things that they really don't need, and why do I need to use ADB to purge your pre-installed bloatware ffs

Not cool.

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That's a lot of effort just to play HuniePop

It will also come with an open source "For You" algorithm. I've been wishing the fediverse do this since I joined and it took literally banning TikTok for it to happen in the span of a few months by dansup for Loops, who thankfully has a favorable outlook on the use of algorithms on the fediverse.

My consideration was off the table after Facebook bought Oculus.

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FYI the 41% of instances that block or limit Threads (from the source data which doesn't have every instance), accounts for 24% of the user base of the fediverse.

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So the evil mega corp gets a free pass while the Internet Archive regularly has to fight for open access to knowledge. Fuck that and fuck Meta.

Pretty much. Welcome to the fucking future I guess. There's no flying cars and green cities and happiness or bloody universal healthcare, instead we have corpos trying to turn us into their consumer slaves and governments turning authoritarian. Just do what you're told and buy more. Don't ask questions don't think just browse TikTok, improve your social credit score, and imprint more ads into your psyche until WW3.

We're walking into hell with our eyes wide open fuck me it hurts.

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I would disagree and say that Pichai is a visionary, in turning Google into a monopolistic dystopian megacorporation.

No, it's standard corp level behavior that's beholden to government censorship and propaganda when it doesn't fit the narrative. You can substitute any big tech company in the US for Google. They all do this. It's why the government is not a fan of TikTok, they don't have that same level of control over the flow of information.

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Makes me miss the wild west days of the internet. Everything felt more... human. Now it feels like a soulless corporate husk. It's wild that covid babies won't know what those days were like.

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Chinese company bytedance tries to fragilise western democracies episode 1937392

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I spent too much time with corpo brain rot to give linux a chance on desktop and realize it's how I'd always imagined proper computing would be. It changed my outlook on the world when I finally did and it's liberating (much libre. Very wow). Glad to see more and more people catching on to the possibility of a better future.

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All the "X company may/could/might" and "X plans on this" news feel like they're just feeling for a reaction from the public to see what they can and can't get away with. If it gets too much push back, they just put it on the shelf and boil the frogs for longer before trying again, like with Google and WEI. It's tiring. Stop being evil you corpo fucks.

Rootable modable phones, with a 3.5mm headphone jack, SD card slot, and an ultrasonic fingerprint reader cherry on top. Maybe some heart rate monitor sprinkles if you are so inclined. My S10 that I still use checks all of the boxes minus root. It feels like I have a sundae with all the high quality toppings I could want... but no proper ice cream. And I want the whole custom sundae, which these days seems impossible to find.

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World's most popular search engine, video platform, mobile OS, browser engine, email provider, map provider, shall I go on? Search results at this point are just becoming an astrix.

They're trying to suck up and present as much data as possible so people never have to leave Google's services. They want to be the internet. If you enabled people to be independent, private, decentralized, and open, then Google would be in trouble because suddenly individuals and communities would have all the power and data, not some corp that's hellbent on wasting your lifespan and brain space with ads or whatever other garbage decision they make on Tuesday to make their line go up.

Meanwhile my drinking has hit personal record highs this year. Yay depression.

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If consent mattered, governments and corporations all around the world wouldn't be pushing to expand the global surveillance apparatus.

Is this just another Tuesday now? Fuck me.

Some high tech alien's porn stash is embedded in the fabric of our universe and that's the reason we exist.

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Google sneezes and your future is stolen by an ad that's selling it back to you. Google is too big to exist.

Spotify. I've wanted to use Funkwhale since it's self-hosted and federated but I couldn't give up all that Spotify offers.

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This starts with some ambiguous "protecting the children" from porn argument to eventually requiring everyone to be "verified" with a digital ID before they can set foot on a highly controlled internet (or worse). We're already seeing increasing glimpses of this and it's in the government's and big tech's interest.

I'm so tired of the constant barrage of shit from all directions. This isn't the beautiful future of humanity I imagined as a kid. No one will look out for us except for us, the actual people that these out of touch rich and powerful high society clowns try to control and keep occupied with stupid culture wars amongst each other, or placate with bread and circus. Enough already ffs.

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Gnome devs to Gnome users: get gnomed you gnomes

I'd sooner stop using the internet than be forced to imprint that carefully crafted poison into my psyche. They will not steal my life with ads.

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I'm out of the loop. What is Roblox actually?

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I hate that Pixelfed isn't good enough to capture these users and I say this as someone who uses it over Instagram.

From the what I've seen (and I have been watching fairly closely), I think Pixelfed and the stretched-too-thin-can't-prioritize-and-somewhat-monarchial dev himself might just need more time to cook. I still have hope in him and his projects but I won't be holding my breath again. If good shit happens, it happens. And I do hope it happens because it should've been Pixelfed in this article like Mastodon was with Twitter or Lemmy with Reddit. Not whatever this new corp that came out of nowhere is.

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Yeah it's the technological tool that's the problem. Definitely not rising cost of living, political insanity, civil unrest, climate change, the slow stripping away of rights, war. But sure the problem is some nerd swiping up on their phone or playing video games or watching Netflix or literally any other distraction from hell world.

Big tech are absolutely evil pieces of shit beholden to the economic system that allows them to thrive to the detriment of humanity, but to blame a magic brick in your pocket like "yeah THIS, this must be why everyone is miserable (especially youth because please think of the children)" is just an incredibly narrow way of thinking, albeit a somewhat effective boogeyman, to distract from gestures broadly how badly we've fucked up and how much worse it's getting as the century progresses.

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Data hoarding and self-hosting every service under the sun.

So... Mastodon integration instead I hope?

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I'm against email domain whitelists and captchas (at the very least Google's captchas).

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  • less centralization
  • obscure flash games
  • random people's crappy colorful html sites
  • being able to find random people's crappy html sites on search engines, despite not meeting the modern strict ranking criteria or being bloated with SEO
  • being able to read fun, and sometimes unique and interesting ideas on said crappy html sites
  • less DRM everywhere
  • less commercialization and people trying to sell you crap (not saying less ads specifically because pop-up ads were everywhere)
  • more people just sharing things for the sake of sharing even if it sucks
  • anonymity
  • just generally the more raw and people oriented feel and less of the corpo ridden EEE/data-sucking/cloud-for-everything/enshittification bullshit we have to deal with on a constant basis these years
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That's the YouTube Premium Lite plan that they killed off less than a month ago.

No more please can we just get normal human beings as presidential candidates and not whatever the fuck this has been?

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They always knew. When the time comes they'll force everything back with even more bloatware and even less freedom to choose because that's the corpo way. This is just another long-term power grab.
