Big Tech companies are finally getting the names we thought dystopian megacorps would have to – 1371 points –

Meta Platforms. X Corp. tell me those aren't straight from a strangely prescient cyberpunk classic


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Pretty much. Welcome to the fucking future I guess. There's no flying cars and green cities and happiness or bloody universal healthcare, instead we have corpos trying to turn us into their consumer slaves and governments turning authoritarian. Just do what you're told and buy more. Don't ask questions don't think just browse TikTok, improve your social credit score, and imprint more ads into your psyche until WW3.

We're walking into hell with our eyes wide open fuck me it hurts.

I read this with the voice of Johnny Silverhand

It's definitely not all the utopia some thought it would be, but it's also definitely a lot better than the dystopia some predicted. Also, I personally prefer the internet to flying cars.

There are flying quadcopter taxis testing in Dubai

The only thing really keeping them from flying rich people in from their gated community and landing in the street in front of a restaurant is regulation.

With better battery life they'd be more flexible, but they're already technically capable, and compact enough.

Also when you try to speak against all this shit people ridicule you and ignore you. If they cant do that easily then its always just apathy and "it is what it is" whining.

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