50 Post – 111 Comments
Joined 3 years ago



anything but the metric system

i refuse to pirate indie games. i will always buy games that are independently released or from small publishers because 1. they're just trying to break even (unlike publishers like EA and Activision who have millions of fans lining up to buy their repetitive junk) and 2. they almost never have DRM. i'll also buy my music for similar reasons; 99% of artists can barely make a living and i really do not want to contribute to that statistic

Wikipedian here - AI on Wikipedia is actually nothing new. we've had a machine learning model identify malicious edits since 2017, and Cluebot (an ML-powered anti-vandalism bot) has been around for even longer than that.

even so, this is pretty exciting. from what i gather, this is a transformer model turned on its side; instead of taking textual data and transforming it, it checks to see if two pieces of textual data could reasonably be transformations of each other. used responsibly, this could really help knock out those [dubious] and [failed verification] tags en masse

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doesn't the Bible specifically warn about people like Trump?

For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

— 2 Timothy 3:2–5, English Standard Version

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‘The Onion’ Stands With Israel Because It Seems Like You Get In Less Trouble For That - The Onion posts absolutely fire satire (safire?) once again

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taking Ayn Rand's work seriously. five seconds of critical thought and her entire philosophy comes crashing down

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i'm just glad this whole thing is over. what a sick world we live in where five billionaires in a submarine sparks wall to wall coverage and five hundred migrants lost at sea gets barely a passing mention

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for every person who leeches on mobile data and can't afford to seed, there's someone who has a freakishly powerful rig that seeds like 17 different torrents 24 hours a day. if you can't afford to seed, don't worry about it, because people who can afford to seed often do. things balance out in the end

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Aquaman. the visual effects were ridiculous, the characters were one-dimensional, the soundtrack was...something, and the overall tone was that of a testosterone firehose to the face. i said the eight deadly words about halfway through, and i was thoroughly bored out of my mind despite action scene after action scene after action scene...the only reason why i didn't just get up and leave was because i was watching with a group

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yes. it only surfaces citations that may back up the content better, an editor still has to read the source and approve the change

money isn't a birthright, but food, water, shelter, clothes, and healthcare are. if we can't be given those, we should at least be given the money to get them

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to spite entropy

AnnaArchivist is not the asshole here. this is extremely out-of-line and entitled behavior on CurrentRisk's part, whining about something as insignificant as download speeds and hounding AnnaArchivist for a response she is not obligated to give, on a post that's combative and immature and generally not worthy of her consideration, when she has so many better things to be doing

Outer Wilds: Echoes of the Eye. i can handle horror just fine, but Echoes of the Eye is on entirely another level of horror than most everything else. i was only able to complete about a third of it before i got too psyched out to continue

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idk, seems like forced birth and pedophilia are bigger threats to the dignity of the woman and the child than surrogacy

hi, anti-Meta person here: it's not about how many users we have. it's about Meta's long track record of insufficient moderation and harvesting of personal data. thanks to their almost nonexistent moderation, they've facilitated genocides, let deadly disinformation spread unchecked, and contributed to the rise of fascism. and they harvest enough data from their platforms to create digital duplicates of us, and if they join the Fediverse, of course they're going to harvest data from anyone federating with them too.

would you trust them to play nice in the Fediverse after all they've done?

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the shit is posting

upvoting moves the post higher in the Hot, Active, and Top views.

::: spoiler technical details the value of upvotes decay logarithmically over time in the Hot and Active views. new posts and comments have quite a bit of an early advantage, and since upvotes decay, popular old posts and new posts are on roughly equal footing in the Hot and Active views.

here is the algorithm, where R is rank, s is score (number of upvotes - downvotes), and t is time since posting in hours


take a look at this post for a workaround

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shit just went from 0 to 100 real fucking quick

for real though, if you ask an LLM how to make a bomb, it's not the LLM that's the problem

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the screenshots and text are just sitting in the appdata folder, which requires no special permission to access

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it isn't obvious to anyone reading mainstream news. news orgs are bending over backwards to obfuscate who's actually doing the killing (one particularly egregious example being the NYT writing a whole-ass haiku instead of stating that Israeli soldiers opened fire on Palestinians seeking aid). sure, this particular headline would be ok if it was common knowledge that Israel is causing the wanton destruction in Gaza, but thanks to every other headline being like this, it isn't

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he's gonna stiff the contractors? great, now all his teleprompters are going to be broken

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i wouldn't trust The Sun further than i can throw it. its accuracy is on par with The Daily Mail

oddly specific objection aside, where podcasting really shines is fiction. it's the modern version of the radio drama. fiction podcasts like Welcome to Night Vale and Find Us Alive have narratives that are tailor-made for episodic audio and would not work in any other medium. a good fiction podcast is truly wonderful to listen to

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my dream is to build my own NAS. it would handle everything i need: it would be a Nextcloud, media server, website host, Matrix server, Minecraft server, and when i'm not doing anything with it at the moment i'll have it donate its time to seeding and relaying

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not because she is vile — because she is a Republican. she has sacrificed her better nature for power and closeness to Trump. there is no particular reason why she is cruel, of course, because cruelty is the point.

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Firefish née Calckey is a microblogging platform like Mastodon, but that's about all it has in common. Firefish has extra features like emoji reactions (like Facebook's, but you can use any emoji, including custom emoji), quote posts, and better support for deep threads (it displays replies in a tree view like Lemmy or Kbin, unlike Mastodon which tries to linearize them and makes them a confusing mess). it also supports text formatting like bold, italics, headings, custom link text, and even animations (don't worry, they don't autoplay). it's even themable, and supports migrating posts from other accounts so you don't have to start over!

opt-in analytics! servers running Synapse can choose to send a bit of analytics information like number of users, but it's opt-in so the number is potentially even higher

they wouldn't be able to do anything. youtube-dl doesn't use an API or anything like that, it just streams the video like a browser would and rips the stream. if they somehow actually managed to selectively block youtube-dl, all youtube-dl would have to do is send a different user agent. the only defense against stream ripping in general is to not stream anything at all, which Youtube obviously cannot do

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i'm not informed much either, but here's what i gather; it's centralized around the proprietary Snap Store and you can't run your own Snap repositories, Snap apps take ages to start up, and each Snap app is mounted as a separate partition (???). there's a whole bunch of technical issues that go over my head too, and Snaps have seen so little adoption that Canonical basically had to twist the arms of flavor maintainers to drop Flatpak support and support Snap out of the box. it's evidently so bad even Ubuntu's official flavors wouldn't support it until Canonical forced them to

Pirates of the Caribbean music intensifies

why is this an L? Linux is fully capable of 4k playback. any Linux user (with a 4k screen) can go to YouTube and watch a 4k video in full quality. Linux support is there, the bandwidth is probably there, the hardware power is there (Asahi Linux is for Apple hardware), so the problem is either Netflix or DRM in general

according to The Telegraph, Russia may end up disintegrating entirely over this

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get another joke

if you're looking for a nice ultraportable, System76 has you covered

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it’s just a lot of Israelis seem to see all gazans as hamas now, which is problematic genocidal

fixed it for you

I've always wanted a tonk borel tbh

common Fedi Garden W

is there any listing of those I can check somewhere?

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