Which proprietary software do you prefer over their open-source alternatives, and why?

mayflower@lemmy.ml to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 428 points –

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Spotify. I've wanted to use Funkwhale since it's self-hosted and federated but I couldn't give up all that Spotify offers.

I've never even looked for an alternative, what started as mild intrigue a decade ago turned into my only window into music, as much as the interface can sometimes drive me mad (and their sometimes cavalier attitude to changing it) I just can't deny that the recommendation engines have introduced me to whole new worlds of music which I love and wouldn't even know exists otherwise

Thanks so much for this comment. I've been looking for funkwhale for a while now and didn't know it! After looking into this pretty well last night, i opted to just uploaded 11Gb of music to host on funk.gravitywell.xyz, grabbed the android app, and now I have access to my music as well as 75 other people's. fantastic!

Took me a while but I'm happy with navidrome/symfonium/slskd/tailscale in place of spotify.

Could you expand a bit on how your setup works? I think I get the big picture, but not sure how tailscale fits into it.

Tailscale just so everything works out and about with minimal effort.

I have Navidrome on my pi4 streaming/transcoding to my Android with Symfonium.

Slskd runs on my pi and can be access via my phone browser.

Makes it simple to acress slsk anywhere, download flac and stream it right back as mp3.

Spotify doesn't have highfi use apple music instead even though Spotify has a superior interface

Give it time and they won't. The desktop redesign they rolled out recently is such a big step in the wrong direction imo. I'm in there everyday and haven't really "gotten used to it" but sure hope I do.