
1 Post – 268 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The real deal y0

Idk, if it quacks it might be an undercover nazi-duck

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15% of content and then fake upvoted to heaven. Could work

Same haha. But i use a combination of commits ( but not pushed ), ammending, fixups and usually clean it up before making a PR or pushing ( and rebase/merge main branch while at it). Its how git should be used..

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The person is doing a talk about it in hamburg, germany (37c3) next week. Its on my to watch list because that sounds hella interresting.

Edit : 37c3 list of talks : https://halfnarp.events.ccc.de/#dec115da17562cebafa9ba7a150a4fc607c25c880c03593dcc8da6087c9441a4

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I will be honest, i am fully against tiktok and everything it stands for. It should burn in hell.

...However, the law the us passed to ban tiktok makes no sense whatsoever. At its core its as bad as china's grasp on a lot of markets. I believe a more correct way is to ban the practices tik tok does and ban it from federal devices. However, such a law needs more effort and would also get us-based companies in trouble.
But even then, its a way better solution to the problem

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In principal, the change is good for reasons you mentioned. However microsoft has :

  • bypassed any default screens in the past, allowing edge to be set default without user input.
  • has added very annoying screens when changing default applications asking the user multiple times if they are sure.
  • has added special protocols for applications and set edge as default browser to bypass default application settings in all office applications ( outlook, teams, word, ... ).

They just can not be trusted with this, they have proven this in the past...

When isnt he?

Report that to your country's privacy watchdog. That is not the law. After comfirming your identity they should remove it ( at least for eu citizens? )

Its nvidia, its always a ripoff :p

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I can understand with what youre saying, and to each their own tastes. However, id like to point out that asus tried to get them to pay 200$ for something that wasnt broken is something that is relevant to us as consumers. Specially since they started the investigation after a lot of people started mailing GN about their issues and... questionable practices

Not only voters, also politicians. Everyone can be influenced, even those in power :)

I had no idea trusted types existed, and took a while to realise the w3 docs was confusing as hell.
But mozilla to the rescue : https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Trusted_Types_API

So it boils down to a javascript api to santize a string before using it in a plathora of javascript functions that interact with the DOM. Neat, but if the developer has to make the policy themselves i dont see the added bonus to this. XSS seems to be still possible if the policy is made incorrectly?

Edit : or am i reading the example wrong and the developer defined code is on top of whatever the api does with the string? I also dont understand why the browsers implementation of innerHtml couldnt just automatically apply whatever that policy does...

We arent the us, no worries :')

The problem is that extremists are everywhere and with the easy access of information, things from other places are happening here too, even if they are not applicable ( like police voilence or blm protests ). That said, fuck those extremists, whatever their background is :')

Also, this article sucks. It doesnt even explain what the new sexual education is about

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It already has anyway. Ive requested my discord data once and everytime you do anything in discord it explicitly saves and stores the location of where you were when you interacted with discord.

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Thats the thing, with a small adaptor that has no logic/silicon, usb-a device is fully compatible with a usb-c port. And things like framework solved this issue ages ago to make hardware expose either, or both, usb-c and usb-a...

If anything, i think the usb-c price might be why its nowhere to be seen. However, with the eu laws that might change in the next 8y, but i doubt it as usb-c to usb-a are a thing

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I legit wonder what would happen if this argument is used ( in a professional way by a professional lawyer ) in a court of law. Like, could this legit be argued to be the same?

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Imo github doesnt have that high of a vendor lock-in. Its git, you can clone and push it to another server. Sure, youll have to convert the ci's and templates, but thats about it really.
And a good yaml is easily converted as the ideas and actions are the same, only the action names are different.
But yes, i think that is what the author was getting at.

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Ye, i remember they mentioning this, and people i know confirm it works fine. It just doesnt work on my end. I do have firefox set up to be very private though ( no 3th party cookies and more )

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Agile has its uses, but like everything you need a bit of both. You need a bit of both waterfall and agile.
Example : you need to have your requirements before development, yes. But how far do you go in your requirements? If i were to make all the requirements for my current project ill still be busy in 3 years and will have to redo bits due to law and workflows changing. however , we need requirements to start development. We need to know what we need to make and what general direction it will be heading to a make correct software/code design.

Agile also teaches you about feedback loops, which even with waterfall, you need to have to know that what youre developing is still up to spec with what the product owner is expecting. So even with waterfall, deliver features in parts or sit together at least once every x weeks to see if youre still good with the code/look/design.

Pure agile is bullshit, but so is pure waterfall. Anything that isnt a mix is bullshit and in the end, it all depends on the project, the team and the time/money constraints.

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I got a github copilot subscription at work and its useful for suggesting code in small parts, but i would never let it decide what design pattern to use to tackle the problem we are solving. Once i know the solution i can use ai, and verify its output to use in the code

I said the same to a coworker this week. If i were to be part or manage an illegal ring like csam, id make my own protocol/app that just uses encryption. Youre already doing illegal shit, go one further so you dont get caught

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They have released multiple new mainboards for the framework 13 which upgraded the cpu. This is a new mainboard with the latest intel cpus. They have always allowed everyone to just buy the board so they can upgrade their existing framework 13's, thats their whole stick : modularity.
This time they also have a new screen panel and battery you could get to upgrade your system.

Also obviously new systems can be bought with the new hardware from the get go too.

I have a framework 16 that my boss got for me. Im a trial to see if we can save money by going framework instead of dell for the laptops developers use as things like the ports on the side, batteries and mainboards are easily replaced and upgraded. No need to waste +2600 euro every 3 years per laptop either if we can just swap the mainboard. They didnt want to finance the gpu, but when the laptop is mine after 3 years i will probably get the gpu for it :)
(In a framework 16 a gpu can be plugged in or replaced. Framework 13's always use integrated gpu )

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There are cheats to be had in a moba, mostly aimbots for skillshots and auto minion farming etc. However, those should be hella easy to detect on a server level and fuck this anti cheat system

looks at fairphone
shrugs :p

Jokes aside, this is indeed a huge problem and do hope that eu law gets passed. Its perfectly possible to have a replacable battery and keep a good ip rating...

From a security standpoint i prefer apps to , by default, not have free reign access to my phone storage. For example facebook should not be able to access my picture, music or whatever without my explicit permissions.

What should happen is that the app should ask for permissions, and thats what has happened on all my phones. Id see if your mp3 player app needs an update, has incorrect permissions or just flat put has become obsolete. Ive used vlc for a long time on my phone with no issues
( though to be fair, im still on android 13 )

Let alone the cookie notification is not following the rules. There is no deny/reject option

As somebody who has worked as a hospital software developer for years : yes, agreed. Ive been in contact with a few us based healthcare systems and they are often even less secure than the existing software, which isnt secure at all lol.

Hospital security has been a rising issue and needs to be taken VERY seriously. There is a shit ton of information in the databases that you dont want to loose, nor get leaked!

Its a classic company move tbh. Make something, develop it further, hope it catches on and if it doesnt kill it off because maintaining it costs money.
Its a classic and understandable move. Microsoft has done it a few times tbh. Zune, windows phone, webtv, silverlight, ... :')

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The problem with java is the language and how it works itself, and not the byte code idea.
I say that as a few things do that and .net, java and wasm are the first that jump to mind.
Hell, pure technically any programming language that is not asm does that :')

My problem is java itself, not its byte code. Wasm as advantage, imo, is that its not stuck to a single language like java is. .net blazor can build to wasm, but you could also use c++ to compile wasm applications :)

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I am a usb-pd believer. My phone, laptop, soldering iron, ... All usb type-c with usb-pd capability, all running from my laptop charger that can do 5,12,19 and 20v

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I dont get it, anyone that can explain this one to me? I am completely out of the loop haha

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Hybrid does make sense. There are people who work better in an office ( like myself ) and there are people who are better working from home ( like my coworker ). The company i work for believes hybrid is the way to go so that you can supply an office for people like me, but also hire people who work remotely. However, nobody is saying you need to have an office that can house 100% of you employees. 60% is good enough as not everyone will be in the office at the same time. Money saved!

That said, some meetings are better to have in person so once in a while a required in person meeting is needed.

I believe in the words of my company : everyone, everywhere. And that includes an office or, which has happened, from working from spain, germany or thailand which are all remote locations in no way connected with the company. These were people who legit lived abroad or were looking after a vacation home of a friend

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And to add : if the handshake fails, or no common voltage can be decided, it will stay at 5v

On top of everything that has been mentioned here, id like to add that the game is hella well polished and runs super smooth. I run the game on a 4th gen i5, gtx 1060, 16GB of ram and hard drives... On ultra graphics at a steady 40-50fps ( and +30 on busy places like at the start of the game )

Yes, it loads some textures slowly on initial load because its run from a hard drive, not an ssd, but that is about it!!

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You know something is wrong if your bank's website needs adblocking. No wonder the internet has gone to shit... Is it that bad in other countries? ( i live in a country where bank sites dont have ads )

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In my head fake news is propganda, so idk. Detect fake news and youll detect bullshit in propoganda as well i suppose

As a pine64 fan ( proud owner of pinecill and quartz64 as daily drivers ) , i rooting for them and the pinephone. I like the idea of a linux phone, but unsure how stable and functional it is. Specially with official documents/websites needing certain apps ( government document signing, 2fa, ... ).
Still, awesome idea

This is indeed the case. I use firefox daily, including for teams. I have to fake my user agent to do it, but it works. Its purely teams just saying fuck you to firefox..

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Makes sense, but how can things like the slapp suit from bob murray have been in a state (west virginia) neither hbo ( who called bob a lot of shit and is located in new york ) , bob murray ( utah) or his company were in?
Edit: excuse me, i meant bob murray, not bill murrey

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