1 Post – 113 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Can I just patch the top layer and then find it again way later :(

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Shocked nobody seems to have brought up ThePicardManuever yet

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A free market self regulates for nothing but profit

Shot does not mean killed. Of the 327 average daily people shot, 210 survive. I will however admit that 1 in 400 people being shot a day does not represent the same ratio as the 327 out of the 330,000,000 a day at all.

Also birthrate

If I were a Palestinian I'd be pissed at Israel and Hamas, one for killing our people, and the other for killing our people

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Don't say that, those drawings have a wonderful and bright future ahead of them :(

I managed to puke ON somebody, I was talking to them and then out of nowhere started throwing up. That guy was probably traumatized for life...

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I was the Ohio skibidi yeet-machine, which certainly means something


Tell me when sir...


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If you hoarding a fleet of rental cars damages people's ability to get a regular car then I'd argue yes

Small town in Ohio, we disbanded our local Police, and instead have county police here now

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Bouta stick a thumbdrive in their wall and get Doom to run on their house

Has it always been 8? I swear it was 7, is my brain just making that up?

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I agree, they are a great community. I hear there's only one mod too, yet every post is great, truly one of the best around

Can confirm, I was the ironman

So much for not wanting to have negative press, now some random guy in Ohio even hates the place

The en passant is losing pixels quickly

It'd be far more shocking if you didn't

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"Date from around A.D. 500, experts say"

Won't somebody think of the shareholders!

The joke is that it initially seems like it's talking about friends and loved ones that they've lost, but instead they're a trail guide who's terrible at their job and gets people lost on the trail

Surely through the massive quantities of generations through all of human history, at least a single individual happened to live in Greece

Coward, I hope we all make it the most!

Would you happen to be a bear

I'm avidly against the dictator Trump, but calling the opposition fucking idiots is part of why our nation is so divided

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Russia continues to prove they're the baddies at every given opportunity

Not The Onion shockingly, which there's a community for but idk how to link to a community

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It got an out loud "holy hell" from me irl*

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Im an electrician, it's pretty sweet if you ask me. Not necessarily the job itself, but the money you can earn doing side-jobs

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Well yes but actually no

Beautiful adaptation of loss

I mean the black death was like 450 years before the French revolution... I think it just took some angry French people for change

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I hate when I'm reading a book, and someone talks to me so I put the book down and reply, then try to go back to the book and they just keep going on everytime I start reading again -_-

Shrek would like to have a word with you

That I still play Roblox for the Napoleonic Wars community. I don't want to be associated with the brain dead games that make up like 90%+ of Roblox

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I mean he paid for Twitter and... well...

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Good bot

"Crusader Kings III" Either that is the holy land or it's Argentina's Alabama

How cruel for her to be ignored

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