Nether Rule to – 747 points –

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Has it always been 8? I swear it was 7, is my brain just making that up?

just checked, it is 8, you are delusional 🥰

I made it very clear that I thought it used to be 7. As in the past. As in not the present, a point that is before the present. Some time that is not now, and not the future.

are those 7's in the same room with us right now?

In the room? Heavens no, that'd be absurd. But they're in the Nether, everywhere I go I see it's face. I walk 7 blocks this way and end up 7 blocks from where I started. Coincidence? I think not!

This is from the trivia section of the Nether wiki page. I remembered it being different too in the past. I think I played on a small or classic world where the ratio was only 1:3.

In Legacy Console Edition, the size of the Nether is limited, with bedrock walls surrounding it on all sides. The Overworld-Nether ratio varies depending on the world size: it is 1:3 for Classic and Small worlds, 1:6 for Medium worlds, and 1:8 (the same as Java and Bedrock editions) for Large worlds.

Edit: Removed link to outdated wiki to avoid SEO pollution.

Pretty please never link fandom

I didn't even know I was on the fandom wiki until the other commenter pointed it out. What's wrong with fandom?

Hoo boy, where do I begin?

  • Fandom pages are incredibly obnoxious with how many ads they load, making them bloated and difficult to read for profit
  • Fandom bought Gamepedia and FORCED all the Gamepedia wikis to switch to the Fandom format, which has a bunch of ugly UI shit literally nobody likes or uses
  • Fandom tries to impede any attempt by users to migrate to a better hosting service, banning anyone it sees as promoting alternative wiki sites

TL;DR: it's basically Enshittification: the Company.

That explains so much. I used to play legacy console but was always confused about why I wasn't traveling as far as I should have been when going to the nether.

This is the official wiki page btw.

Rule of thumb is that Computers love base 2 numbers (2,4,8,16,ect) and hate prime numbers 7 and higher.