
1 Post – 127 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It may be understandable to view the novel as high art using pedophilic themes to craft an intriguing story, with no intention to titillate.

Then you check out the author's other work...

The exhausting thing is this literally happened. Trump shat his diaper in court and the MAGA crowd started the "Real Men Wear Diapers" bowel movement.

Oh yeah, Jezza seems great, from what I know he actively left the Mormon faith and was ostracized by most his family. He uses this experience to be a more empathetic and better person.

All the more sad when Shad tries to claim he's just as good an artist and Jezza doesn't have the heart to call him out on it.

Oh it gets worse with Shadiversity. Huge AI art guy, his brother's an actual artist too so it's hard seeing Shad brag to him. Very "anti-woke" and paints his conservative Mormon beliefs on everything.

The worst unforgivable part is the end of his book has impregnated rape victims step up to defend the rapist protagonist because he "gave them" a child, while the ones that didn't get pregnant were jealous.

He loves to bring up that the book is supposed to explore this immoral character. But this isn't the protagonist's viewpoint this is just how Shad thinks the world works. This is how Shad believes rape victims think.

Very sad to see, I followed him for swords and castles but Jesus Christ.

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Had a weird compulsion when seeing an ad for a dress, went into denial and redirected my focus to something else on the ad for my feelings (a stupid looking hoodie).

When analyzing these feelings I soothed myself by thinking "maybe I could just dress up mannequins as decoration or something".

Most egg moment of my life. It's like my brain knew and purposely avoided it.

At first I found the absurdity silly and amusing.

But then I realized, this is the same demographic that would shoot up a drag show, simply because of men wearing dresses. Now they're wearing diapers in public support of a convicted rapist that shits himself.

As a trans woman, the thought that they would even wear diapers to justify their hatred of me and love for their incontinent idol, it is disgusting. I'm literally nauseous right now, they think people like me are beneath an actual man baby.

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The Ukraine-Russia & Israel-Palestine wars, and the likelyhood of China going after Taiwan before 2027, and the Koreas continually being a powder keg influenced by all of this. Between all that and me being 23 years old I sincerely think I might witness World War 3, it's terrifying, yet it feels inevitable with our era of false 1st world peace built on a house of cards.

That's not even mentioning the Republican Project 2025, as a trans person I might have to fight for my life.

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There was a weird incident in class where a good amount of my classmates, including some who were POC, believed that black people were biologically more aggressive based on anecdotal experience.

I'm white but I was arguing against this because it made no sense. As a possible explanation I argued that black communities are typically poorer because of history (slavery, segregation, ect) and that poor and desperate communities are whats more likely to be violent.

It seemed to get them to pause for a moment. I'm sure I wasn't as nuanced as I'd be now but I was a dumb reactionary teenager talking to dumb reactionary teenagers.

Honestly the Trolley Problem is a perfect representation of this issue. All leftists in America are being asked to either personally hold a part in a genocide, or to personally abstain and allow greater horrors to be unleashed (including the genocide).

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I'm a bit annoyed at all the people being pedantic about the term hallucinate.

Programmers use preexisting concepts as allegory for computer concepts all the time.

Your file isn't really a file, your desktop isn't a desk, your recycling bin isn't a recycling bin.

[Insert the entirety of Object Oriented Programming here]

Neural networks aren't really neurons, genetic algorithms isn't really genetics, and the LLM isn't really hallucinating.

But it easily conveys what the bug is. It only personifies the LLM because the English language almost always personifies the subject. The moment you apply a verb on an object you imply it performed an action, unless you limit yourself to esoteric words/acronyms or you use several words to overexplain everytime.

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I believe proper gun safety teaches people to treat every gun as loaded and safety off. Same reason it's extremely unsafe to point a supposedly empty gun at someone.

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Remember when Microsoft made the bold claim that Windows 10 would be the last OS and reassured us it would just be updated perpetually?

Like, no one believed them, but to stop supporting Windows 10 after a bold claim like that is just insulting.

Yeah but then you get older and it doesn't cut it anymore so you switch to the harder stuff.

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Honestly it still would have been malware if it was actually McAfee.

I feel like the very idea of "centrist" is flawed. Sure you can choose not to identify with either party.

But for most of these issues you can't reasonably pick a "center" option for most issues. Sure we can argue implementation but you're either ok with abortion, gun control, gay rights, civil rights, or your not.

Is it really useful to have the "control guns" and "control guns only a little" groups fighting when there's a "school kids are a worthy sacrifice for guns" party?

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Got into the Atheist youtubers, then they moved onto anti-SJW and I stuck around. Thought I was being an enlightened logical centrist, "both sides are bad" and all that. So I figured modern feminists were overreacting.

Then the MAGA movement ramped up, now abortion rights are gone. Also since then I discovered I'm trans and now LGBT rights are at stake.

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They will assume Skinner is the main character after the only remains being fossilized steamed hams edits.

This is about whenever contradiction show up in a system what the general responses would be, but if you want a specific example by me.

I posit that privatized healthcare is a contradiction, base capitalism relies on supply and demand and healthcare will always have infinite demand. So profit motive =/= health motive.

According to the chart, the lefist would suggest getting rid of privatized healthcare in favor of universal healthcare funded by the government without patent gatekeeping.

The conservative would simply not acknowledge any flaw or contradiction.

The centrist would keep the system and implement bandaid half solutions, like state insurance or Obamacare.

"I hereby swear to submit to the orders of my superiors" 😏

Diogenes walking in with a bottle of Viagra and a hard on: "Behold, a woman!"

On the flipside, if the language is too casual you'd end up with people winning cases by being popular and snarky.

Part of the reason why Trump's cases have such a high turnover of lawyers. His antics just don't amuse a judge used to professionalism.

Not saying you don't have a point. After stuff like bees being classified as fish in California to protect them. It's clear to see legalese has gone to far.

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A chaser fetishize and go after trans people in the same way people fetishize asians, latinx, black people, ect.

It's not wrong to have a preference for trans people, it is wrong to reduce them to a sex object for your pleasure. That's what a chaser is.

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So they're ending support but will use the remaining users like test guinea pigs.


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It's been stable based on temporary peace and Mutually Assured Destruction (not just from nukes). For example China-Taiwan are still in a civil war that never officially ended, and China has always wanted to reabsorb Taiwan and Taiwan has always been opposed to. The Koreas are actively still in a cease fire for a war that also never concluded. And the middle east has always been churning with armed conflicts.

The western 1st world countries managed to extract enough wealth to stay far and away from these kinds of conflicts, but they are still heavily dependent on these countries and we'll all feel the impacts if things get worse.

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Guy on the right, look at his sheer confidence!

He's already won and he knows it.

First the Google Bard demo, then the racial bias and pedophile sympathy of Gemini, now this.

It's funny that they keep floundering with AI considering they invented the transformer architecture that kickstarted this whole AI gold rush.

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May I introduce you to our lord and savior JavaScript?

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These kind of posts always have weird ones like Poison Breath.

Why would I want that? To kill people? Mustard gas is easy to make and I'd just get arrested anyways.

The only reasonable use I can think of is if you wanted to start a pest control company... woo?

Instant death may be useful if it's like the Death Note, or else you'd also just get arrested.

Me to both Communism and Capitalism:

When your child comes out as a trans man.

"Praise the son!"

XKCD 2741 Alt Text: "I wish for everything in the world. All the people, money, trees, etc." "Are you SURE you--" "And I want you to put it in my house."


It's a little funny how everyone sobered up from perpetually investing in unprofitable free social media then they dove right back in to perpetually investing in LLMs with no real plan for sustainable profit.

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I'm a Maladaptive daydreamer, not only could I "see" an apple, I can imagine it in my hand and look really close at the little details of an apple in real time.

I am not joking, my daydreams play out almost exactly like I'm watching a video, sometimes I look fondly at the story I crafted as if I just finished watching an episode. There is a very thin barrier for me that prevents me from just making up memories.

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I got Autism, ADHD, Depression, and the secret ingredient: Maladaptive Daydreaming!

I am a finely tuned machine for endless hours of staring at a wall looking at fun pictures in my head.

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I just read the top part so I thought the worst thing to say was "We may earn commission from links on this page".

Literally what uprooted my "rational" centrist opinions on everything.

The timetable quote just hit me and my sensibilities like a truck.

My favorite fact about all this is that Spielberg insisted on the giant raptors during production. Around the same time the Utahraptor was first being studied, an actual giant raptor about the same size.

Less fun fact, it was gonna be name Utahraptor Spielbergi but it was changed last minute because Universal was suing museums over the word Jurassic. Trademark trolls ruin everything.

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"But council I was merely casting the humble and fun Balloon Animal spell ~targeting penis~"

I can get people wanting a "one-size fits all" solution where we peacefully resolve all problems and the violent one are obviously evil.

But the unfortunate thing is, you do have to fight for "the right beliefs", and yes the right beliefs are technically subjective and this could be abused. But there's just no alternative to taking a specific stance and physically fighting for it no matter what.