'Real men wear diapers': Trump supporters wear nappies

Hellfire103@lemmy.ca to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 611 points –
Donald Trump supporters wear nappies

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At first I found the absurdity silly and amusing.

But then I realized, this is the same demographic that would shoot up a drag show, simply because of men wearing dresses. Now they're wearing diapers in public support of a convicted rapist that shits himself.

As a trans woman, the thought that they would even wear diapers to justify their hatred of me and love for their incontinent idol, it is disgusting. I'm literally nauseous right now, they think people like me are beneath an actual man baby.

It’s literal cult behavior.

Stay safe, sister.

These guys weren't against wearing diapers to begin with. They were at least curious about it, or even desperate to finally try it in public. Maybe being out as their true selves will help them develop emotionally a bit. I support more MAGAs wearing their diapers in public spaces.

Well they did make chin-diapers fashionable during the whole 'i ain't complying with your public heath and safety mind control bullshit' during mask mandates.

Yeah, it’s funny but in a gallows way. Like, of course these are the people putting my life at risk. It’s funny like Goebbels’s limp. Like you fuckers can’t even have the ideological purity to not be the sort of person you hate or to side with the people who don’t care and think it’s fine.

My life is being upended by these fucking clowns.