
65 Post – 108 Comments
Joined 5 months ago

Young humanoid in the UK. Proudly LGBT. Slava Ukraini! | they/them


Formerly of:

It's just the headline for this one. The rest of the article is more serious and less ironic.

Looks like it is. I had noticed a few Mastodon and Misskey instances blocking poa.st, but I didn't realise it was the same as poast.org.

Good thing there are other instances now!

My HP's hinge broke, too. I had to pack the entire back of the case with putty in order to fix it, and it's still not quite right.

HCl‽ Jaysus...

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I swear it's being trained on Tumblr shitposts. These are too ridiculous to be hallucinations.

More AI dumbfuckery

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You were, but it appears OP is running Windows in a VM on Linux.

Holy mother of god. He'll be wearing a little red armband next!

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That's far too good for AI. It has to be photoshopped.

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That's hilarious XD

Gordon Ramsay does not approve

Yeah. I heard about this on the radio, and my first thought was, "Oh shit, those suicide rates are going to skyrocket."

My second thought was "Should I throw a bucket of gravy over whoever's responsible, or should I come at them with a cricket bat?"

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That was...oddly wholesome!

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NSFW tag, please

You are absolutely correct. The stupidity here, though, is that word got out that Trump uses them, and that has caused a lot of his supporters to start wearing them, whether they need to or not.

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I'd recommend FreeTube.

It has its own backend, but it can also use Invidious. As such, you can also run NewLeaf (an Invidious-compatible YouTube scraper based on the NewPipe scraper) in the background and connect to it via FreeTube, and that should work.

Last I heard, the CCP did a bit of social engineering and got a load of TikTokkers to post videos in juggalo makeup in order to retrain their facial recognition software.

I don't recall if it was successful, but it happened.

Holy shit! This was a joke back in 2022, but now it actually is cheaper to buy cocaine and run everywhere‽

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Some videos already have basic DRM; mainly music videos. However, yt-dlp, Piped, and NewPipe can play them just fine.

When a platform is as second-to-none as YouTube, people will always find a way to use it the way they want.

  • Chris De Burgh - A Spaceman Came Travelling With A Boner
  • Radiohead - A Wolf At The Door With A Boner
  • Mariah Carey - All I Want For Christmas Is You With A Boner
  • Alan Walker - Alone With A Boner
  • Green Day - American Idiot With A Boner
  • Radiohead - Anyone Can Play Guitar With A Boner
  • Green Day - At The Library With A Boner
  • DEVO - Be Stiff With A Boner
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Guess I'd better get around to archiving and deleting my old account.

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Truly is the Kool Desktop Environment.

Global warming is bloat

Huh. Never really considered that. Guess I'd better go and rebrand my Mastodon profile...

Omg I want one!

The Daily Mail "Not worth the paper it's printed on!"

Fair point. I'll change it.

The UK government runs on Windows 98 (they've modified it over the years to the point that updating would break everything) and I believe the NHS runs on XP.

You know what? You're right.

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This is the pot calling the kettle black, despite the fact that this metaphorical kettle has been electric for quite some time.

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Yes, but the policy that requires voters to have photo ID was created by Boris himself when he was prime minister. That's the irony.


Potayto potahto


And yet my dad still has trouble finding anything that won't kill him if he eats it.

  • Uses runit instead of systemd
  • Uses LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL
  • Optionally uses musl libc instead of glibc
  • Uses the XBPS package manager
  • Void is similar to BSD, in many respects
  • It's very minimal, and that makes it flexible
  • It's very lightweight. Until I installed a WM and started a bunch of daemons, my RAM usage was not only in the megabytes, but also only double digits.
  • It has XBPS-SRC, which is comparable to Portage and FreeBSD Ports.
  • Most of the documentation is on Reddit and in blog posts, as Void Docs is quite basic and the wiki is no-longer updated. Some may consider this a good thing, others will disagree.

Not sure if this is standard or GitHub-flavoured Markdown, or a special thing just for Lemmy, but you use ::: spoiler.

For example:

::: spoiler Click here to see the summary
This is the summary


::: spoiler Click here to see the summary This is the summary :::

EDIT: This won't look right in Arctic

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There was one on r/UnixPorn, who was probably the reason why r/BetterUnixPorn was a thing. Kept removing my posts for literally no reason.

Don't remember his name, but he spent a lot of time on some fetch sub (as in neofetch, pfetch, fastfetch, etc.)

I also once got banned from r/Socialism for saying China wasn't communist. Whole place was full of tankies, and not just because of that incident.