'Real men wear diapers': Trump supporters wear nappies

Hellfire103@lemmy.ca to Not The Onion@lemmy.world – 611 points –
Donald Trump supporters wear nappies

Yes, real men, real women, real people of any or no gender, and of all ages, wear diapers. That is not something anyone should be shamed or ridiculed for.

I don't give a shit if trump or his supporters wear them, they are out there causing actual harm to others, and there is plenty to actually criticise them for, why the fuck resort to this ableist bullshit? We rightfully give them shit for judging others by what's in their pants, yet gleefully judge them for what they wear under theirs?

Fuck this noise.

We're not the ones resorting to this ableist bullshit, they are. They are the ones wearing diapers and making a mockery out of it. We criticize them for making a mockery out of it simply to emulated someone that makes a mockery out of everything. Do we need to remind everyone of Trump mocking a disabled person on live TV?

Yes, I agree, fuck that noise. But we're not the ones making that noise.

This. Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around "ableism" issues; people gotta learn to keep their targets sighted on the actual scum Insidiously using empathy to cross purposes.

The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

Don't tolerate the intolerant; don't shield them with the benefit of the doubt or stop those with the conviction to stand up for those being told to sit either.

Thank you. I've had to explain this paradox to multiple tens of close friends and associates often, and recently.

This is much better worded than any of my attempts. Kudos.

Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues

JFC, so just say you're an enthusiastic ableist.. You honestly don't deserve any attention beyond that point, but since I'm here, and you're full of shit, I'll give it a quick note in case anyone actually buys in to your bad bad take:

The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

No where do I even imply anything near "don't punch a Nazi", what I'm literally saying is "don't make fun of people for wearing diapers" and "criticise nazis for their nazi actions, not for what they wear"
According to you we should go around making fun of everyone who wears diapers because you can't think of a better way to tell them apart from fucking Nazis., and also are unable to think of better things to criticise them for, than wearing said diaper.

You're a pathetic ableist joke who clearly cares more about their "right" to abuse disabled people than their duty to do anything against nazis. You're literally playing their game for them - shifting focus away from them being fascist, right in to the ableist jokes you just find too funny to not participate in, to the point of making the exact same kinds of excuses they do.

Congratulations, you're on the wrong side, no matter what nonsense you tell yourself to feel better.

But we're not the ones making that noise.

It was shared for the sole purpose of ridicule. Have you seen some of these fucking comments?? How about instead of getting defensive (and invoking his mockery of disabled people in your defence of.. mocking disabled people, who you may not intend to mock, but who you do when you ridicule and stigmatise things they use), just, you know, don't make fun of medical aids and people who use them, and attack fascists on the grounds of their fucking fascism instead???

Howard Stern took a shit in a diaper on air(or pretended to). I can and will mock him for this. Not because he wore a diaper, but because he wore a diaper when not necessary and made a spectacle of himself.

Donald Trump mocks people for their age even if they're still able to ride a bike, when he won't or can't walk a couple hundred feet with a bunch of other political leaders, while he's incontinent and his opponent isn't. I can and will mock him for wearing a diaper, not because it's ableist, but because he's a hypocrite and deserves to be called out for it.

I will mock his followers for wearing diapers, again, not because I'm ableist, but because they're using medical devices when they don't need to, both making a spectacle of themselves and supporting a hypocrite who makes fun of disabled people. They are deserving of criticism not only for what and who they support, but also how they show that support.

I've seen the comments, and yes some are low effort ridicule about wearing a diaper. But the majority are ridiculing these people for making a mockery out of wearing a diaper. That's the difference. There are going to be elements in every group that punch down, but the Trump fans are made up entirely of that element. That's why they are making a mockery of wearing a diaper in the first place.

Instead of getting defensive, try taking a step back and look at what people are actually doing rather than focusing on the few bad examples and lecturing all of us about being ableist.

It would be much better if the hypocrisy was pointed out in the article. Republicans are responsible for repeatedly taking away protections and supports for the most vulnerable in our society. And most of their voters don’t know or don’t care as long as they’re hurting the right people. This wearing of diapers is a mockery of support for people with disabilities.

The problem is - they don't give a fuck about the hypocrisy, so all that's left is the ableism, from both those who regularly harm disabled people ignorantly using diapers to make whatever statement, and those mocking them for wearing them (and no one is going to ask them each individually about their medical needs, so you can never actually know if it is legitimate use or not). The impact remains - adults wearing diapers are the punch line, deepening an already existing and harmful stigma, for no other reason than a cheap and ableist laugh.

I'm sorry you got downvoted because you are calling out a cruel stigma. You are very right and people who suffer from incontinence should not be laughed at. We must offer more dignity and compassion to people.

Considering the main attack on Biden from the right is that he is too old, it's fair game to do the same for Trump. They opened that can of worms.

According to your logic, we not only should be making fun of all old people now, but we should be doing it because trump did it first..

How does that make you any better than them?

Are you really that attached to mocking people for wearing a medical aid, that you seriously can't put that to one side and criticise them for the actual harm they're causing?

Remind me again how well “they go low, we go high” worked out for rational, non-insane people in the US?

This is absolutely an example of the paradox of tolerance.

I think it's less about "going high" than it is not alienating people in your own group. You can't make fun of disabilities on the other side (with the exception of a clinical lack of empathy) without the collateral damage of also making fun of people on your side with those disabilities.

I’m not going to be pulling my punches when this election going the wrong way could actually end democracy in the United States for the foreseeable future. And that has an absolute fuckload of horrifying knock-on effects both domestically and globally. As in, like, (more) concentration camps (remember the border patrol camps and the children they separated from families who STILL haven’t been reunited in a shocking number of cases), and they’ll probably put “political undesirables” in there this time too.

But god forbid we offend a few people.

To reiterate: it’s not a tactic I am excited about using. It is a dumb tactic. But Trump supporters are greedy, stupid, deeply prejudiced, or some combination thereof, without exception, and it’s a tactic that tends to work decently well on them. On that basis alone it’s fair game.

The paradox of tolerance does not exist. Tolerance is a social contract, not a moral imperative.

Acceptance of false paradox is what the intolerant and authoritarian want.

By rejecting it as false, it lays bare that the intolerant have rejected polite society and have made themselves open to be rightfully marginalized and ostracized.

If you don’t think the paradox of tolerance is real, I’m guessing you’ve never observed concern trolling from the far right. Which is weird, because they’ve been doing it all over the place, especially since 2016 or so.

Or, you yourself are concern trolling.

I'm not trolling.

The minute you allow intolerance to exist, you have lost.

Karl Popper framed it incorrectly. He makes it sound like a moral imperative and the hateful have seized on that.

If tolerance is a moral issue there is little that can be done about those who choose to be intolerant. Being moral is an individual choice.

It IS a social contract, howevet. If I want my lifestyle to be tolerated then I need to tolerate that of others, unless my (or their) lifestyle imposes unnecessary restrictions on the other.

For example, all the Christians whining about Christianity not being tolerated. They're getting it wrong - nobody is saying don't be Christian. They break the contract by imposing their specific values on everyone else by force.

There is a baseline on which the vast majority agree concerning appropriate behavior in society. Murder, for example, is generally considered wrong. We don't tolerate it.

Breaking a contract has consequences.

For example, all the Christians whining about Christianity not being tolerated. They're getting it wrong - nobody is saying don't be Christian. They break the contract by imposing their specific values on everyone else by force.

Dude, that’s literally the paradox of tolerance.

They take advantage of the goodwill and social norms of the rest of the population in the interest of imposing their specific values on everyone else by force. They don’t believe that that sense of goodwill and social norms are things they have to abide by, but they recognize the power of exploiting a system against itself, and that power is very real. The initial stages of this generally involve aggressively exploiting the letter of the law, and often, working entirely contrary to the spirit of the law.

That logic makes no sense. Trump criticized Biden for being old, not "all old people". If he is going to give that criticism, he should take it too. After all, he is almost as old and a lot less healthy as evident by his age related incontinence.

You are absolutely correct. The stupidity here, though, is that word got out that Trump uses them, and that has caused a lot of his supporters to start wearing them, whether they need to or not.

That doesn't change the impact of participating in and perpetuating this circus.

And so our alternative is...? To ignore this rather quaint sociological phenomenon? To let it pass by, unremarked-upon? Is that how we make increments of improvement to our behavior and culture? What's the take away? What's the lesson here for us? How do we be better people when our opponents are literally caricatures of cartoon villains, who, every week, add another hilarious stereotype to their gestalt.

Remember: you're talking to, and about, the species that is currently exporting a record number of voyeuristic reality shows that sell "engineered awkwardness" because sex doesn't sell by itself anymore.

How do you un-fuck this up?

I don't think it's the wearing of nappies that is worthy of ridicule. You are right, it's a medical question, people who need it should wear it, and everybody else should just stfu about it. (Except perhaps in the odd case when medical conditions do come into question while assessing the fitness of a candidate to an office, especially such a high stakes and demanding one as the potus, but that's by the by).

What is chilling is the followers of Trump who try to make a virtue out of it. And ridiculous. Laughing at them is the right response because the other option is utter despair.

Nominally, I agree. Trump and his die-hard supporters are the exception.

I understand that there will be splash damage. I regret that there is splash damage. But the fact remains that the objective is to sap support from his base, and from people who are (somehow) on the fence about him. That can be done by sharing these unflattering facts about him.

I get that it’s offensive. Again, I regret that the tactic has become necessary; but it HAS become necessary. This is a “pull out all the stops” situation. If it stops that fascist fuck from winning, I’m willing to live with being labeled as “intolerant” because I used his own tactics against him. I’m not reveling in this, or joyously clowning on those less fortunate than me. There is a specific reason why I’m willing to cross that line, and it’s “we might not have small-d democracy anymore if he wins”.

I understand that there will be splash damage

Heh heh heh heh. Splash damage.

But who does this actually convince that isn't already swayed by his unhinged rants and abhorrent behaviors and policies? It's no different than intentionally misgendering someone. "Collateral damage" that hurts the most vulnerable among us is not worth it just to bully someone you don't like.

Let them make fools of themselves with this bizarre infighting, they really don't need our help.

This is so detached from reality. The people who are on the fence will see this as childish, while his supporters are lost enough I don't think any of them will care.

I'm sorry what? Do you understand the difference between, for example, mocking a blind person for using a cane and wearing dark glasses, and mocking people who think it's cool and decide to start wearing dark glasses and using a cane while being perfectly sighted? Do you think that is a reasonable thing to do? Do you think it would be ableist to laugh at perfectly able people who are pretending to be disabled?

1 more...
2 more...

Conservatives. Shitting their pants to own the libs.

They finally did it.

TP USA has been doing diapers long before this. Regressives just love publicly wearing diapers for some reason. It must be a weird sex thing, and, in typical Repub fashion, they are involving unwilling third parties in their fetish.

I, for one, feel owned and they should keep doing it. Just like how they owned me by dying unvaccinated.

Satire is dead

Long live satire.

May Eris bless us with humorous chaos instead of just the sad kind

She'd probably leave a golden diaper at a GOP convention with a label saying "For the most worthy".

Feel like the work of a chaos God. The Toy Maker or Tzeentch maybe?

Eris is a chaos goddess. She’s the Greek goddess of causing problems because she thinks it’ll be entertaining

I'm ashamed to say not very familiar with her. Looked up wiki and found this.

One day Mal-2 consulted his Pineal Gland and asked Eris if She really created all of those terrible things. She told him that She had always liked the Old Greeks, but that they cannot be trusted with historic matters. "They were," She added, "victims of indigestion, you know." Suffice it to say that Eris is not hateful or malicious. But she is mischievous, and does get a little bitchy at times.[17]

There is a whole religion on her. Did dems piss her off?

Probably not Loki. I don't feel this is his brand.

Yeah she’s similar to Loki, but Loki is more the worst person in your theater group. Loki fucked their way into their problems and by Asgard they’ll fuck their way out of them. At their core Loki is chaotic but borne from insecurity.

Eris is more “does this dress make my butt look fat?” She just thinks things could be different. Not necessarily better or worse, just different. Eris is chaos born from someone too smart for her own good but not as smart as she thinks and suffering from chronic understimulation.

Dems do want stability…

This is interesting nutshell on 2 chaos gods. Hope they do Eris solid in Hades 2 cause now I'm interested.

It should be noted that my take is more of a modern reinterpretation. Other interpretations of her are as the goddess of conflict and as a counterpart to ares.

Regardless I do hope she’s in it. I’m already excited for hekate.

I feel bad for The Onion, their job just keeps getting harder & harder. They should probably switch their business to fortune-telling.

I feel bad for The Onion, their job just keeps getting harder & harder.


"Political satire became obsolete when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel peace prize."

Tom Lehrer

The second best quote about Kissinger

The first one is about him being dead?

"Once you've been to Cambodia, you'll never stop wanting to beat Henry Kissinger to death with your bare hands." ~Anthony Bourdain

At first I found the absurdity silly and amusing.

But then I realized, this is the same demographic that would shoot up a drag show, simply because of men wearing dresses. Now they're wearing diapers in public support of a convicted rapist that shits himself.

As a trans woman, the thought that they would even wear diapers to justify their hatred of me and love for their incontinent idol, it is disgusting. I'm literally nauseous right now, they think people like me are beneath an actual man baby.

It’s literal cult behavior.

Stay safe, sister.

These guys weren't against wearing diapers to begin with. They were at least curious about it, or even desperate to finally try it in public. Maybe being out as their true selves will help them develop emotionally a bit. I support more MAGAs wearing their diapers in public spaces.

Well they did make chin-diapers fashionable during the whole 'i ain't complying with your public heath and safety mind control bullshit' during mask mandates.

Yeah, it’s funny but in a gallows way. Like, of course these are the people putting my life at risk. It’s funny like Goebbels’s limp. Like you fuckers can’t even have the ideological purity to not be the sort of person you hate or to side with the people who don’t care and think it’s fine.

My life is being upended by these fucking clowns.

The next 1/6 insurrection in 2025 will consist of hundreds of diapered men smearing the walls with shit. That dude that smeared his shit on the wall at the inaugural insurrection of '20 is gonna think he started a 'movement'

History is going to have a doozy with this period.

Kids will be asking teachers if they are messing with them.

Let's pray it doesn't go other way with listing him as a patriot.

One would think they would omit some of the ridiculous/embarrassing bits if they go full fascist and rewrite history.

But at this point anything is possible.

Only if we don't go full idioacracy. Onion already getting frustrated. I recall them talking about a robot dragon being developed by government and I didn't know it was satire until end because the bar is soo low.

Never, ever, say “you can’t get any dumber than that”… these morons take it as a challenge.

Our culture promotes a climate of toxicity toward intellectually disabled people, and part of that is in the words we use. By condoning the casual use of ableist slurs, we tacitly permit more severe abuses. Because we undermine the people, we also undermine accountability for their abusers. We fail to construct a healing path forward.
The frustration that we feel over bigotry can be expressed in so many ways. We don’t need to rely on ableist slurs. Alternative phrases are more descriptive, and more accurate; unintelligence is not the prevailing problem with right wing extremists, for instance, nor is it the cause of their actions. Ignorance, prejudice, and disregard for the rights of others are.
Conflating harmful actions with lack of intelligence does everyone a disservice. To suggest that “stupidity” that is what makes people act badly undermines any real accountability. The causes of problematic behavior rarely have anything to do with mental acuity, and we can’t properly address harmful behavior while being so reductive about its causes. Carelessness, bias, hatred, greed, closed-mindedness, indifference – these are the traits that lead to oppression. Our intelligence is not the issue so much as our sense of compassion and justice.
A person can be unintelligent and still know right from wrong. There are people with cognitive disabilities who I respect a thousand times more than those who are supposedly more abled. They have stronger principles, seek to better themselves, and are committed to being good people. They are just capable of being sensitive and caring as everyone else. To imply that they aren’t is outrageous.
I get it. Changing the way we speak is really tough. Words are the fabric of our thoughts. Re-forming the words that we use means reshaping our minds. But that’s exactly why it’s so necessary and so potent. Just as we cannot shape a new society without fully deconstructing the old, we cannot liberate our minds without dismantling the ways we think and communicate.


Great leader is a real man.

Great leader wears adult diapers.

Therefore real men wear adult diapers.

I think we can drop the "like" from "cult like".

Real men perform innumerable felonies, publicly declare their participation in them, avoid taking the advice of lawyers and in fact actively fight them and the judge at every turn, and nap during their trial. Real men serve out their sentences in silence and, where appropriate, avoid voting thanks to their felony charges. They’d be such badasses, the truest Americans if they followed through with the full lifestyle.

A couple of years ago, there were memes about this exact thing to mock this cult. I didn't think the day would actually come, but some part of me is really happy that it did.

I wonder how trump would feel in solitary confinement for the rest of his life, never hearing another person's voice except his own until he dies. He deserves it. Not unusual punishment based off how other prisoners in Hamburgerland are treated. Even as his Alzheimers worsens.


I saw someone comment the other day that his idiot followers were saying that, but assumed it was satire (what little shreds of satire still exist thanks to the clown pictured here).

This is hilarious. Anything to "own the libs" including standing there, pledging allegiance to their leader while shitting their diapers.

It's the gift that keeps giving.

I mean, this seems on-brand for the GOP, since so many of them appear to be grown-up children who never actually reached the mental maturity to be considered "adults".

I thought you were going to say that they are much older on average and are more likely to suffer from incontinence, which is a problem of its own.

While i would admit its better than shitting your pants, there has to be a better solution

If wearing diapers makes you a man then I'm William Leroy Taft, 23rd presadent of the United States

I had to reread the name of the sub and link repeatedly there. This one is just... how is it real?

What happens when you squeeze an orange?
It shits it's diaper!

It's all that anal they all get.

I believe gay men statistically have less prostrate health conditions. I don’t know for sure but I would imagine this applies to continence as well?

Edit: Ok I just briefly tried to look it up and I guess I am wrong. More frequent ejaculation can lower prostate cancer risk though, and gay couple do tend to have more frequent sex than straight and lesbian couples, so maybe that is the correlation I was thinking of