
5 Post – 248 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Lithuanian 30+ year-old shitposter who works as a programmer.

"Of the 12 apostles, 18 of them are buried in Spain."

Soup with a fork in it that said something like "It's one of those days." or something like that. It wasn't good because neither was I.

A few months ago I had a lot of anxiety and ate soup with a fork because of it, then posted a picture of it as a meme and got massively downvoted.

It added a lot to the experience.

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Godot updated their pricing policy too

Yep, nobody can bribe a person who's struggling financially.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

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As a Lithuanian, I actually disagree. We always knew that a day like February 24 would come. We kept telling that to our allies and they thought we were being paranoid.

You have to address the deep sense of Russian imperialism before we can take you seriously. Even the Russians who have lived in my country for 30 years or more have it. "We are Russians" they say. "We want the world; we want it and we won't stop until we have all of it."

I also know that people like you exist, and some people resisted, but our collective fear is that people like you are a smaller minority than you would think.

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From an employees perspective:

  1. They will prohibit vacation or send everyone away.

  2. Your salary will come late.

  3. Various people you haven't seen will visit the office.

  4. There's a running gag of packing up to move offices and being told you have all been fired the next day, Arrested Development style.

From a higher-level perspective:

  1. Some investors will write off losses to save on their taxes.

  2. Others will try to sell any tech or other properties the startup has managed to create to recoup losses.

  3. Creditors and bond holders will be paid first before stock holders. Most vc funding comes in exchange for stock.

She uses photos of Audrey Tatou, a French actress.

Strong Pig in Smoke energy

relevant photo of a mural with Putin and Trump kissing

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Yes, in Europe, most political parties, both left and right, have their own climate change mitigation policies, because if they don't, they risk just not being elected.

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We are not anti-Russia, we are simply pro-survival. Even before the Soviet occupation, tsarist Russia did a lot to destroy our national identities, in Lithuania, they forbade writing our language in Roman alphabet and hunted smugglers that carried books written in it. The ban and other repressions caused several massive rebellions including 1830s and 1860s ones.

The Tsar later sent his hound, Muravjov, who hanged so many men that the line of gallows went from Kaunas to Vilnius (~90 km). They have put a statue of Muravjov outside of Lithuanian consulate in Kaliningrad. I guess they are going to put a statue of Adolf Hitler outside the Israeli consulate next /s

And imperialism is common among big countries, sure, but it is Russians who enflame their local minorities in neighbouring countries and then rush to save them. And we do have a Russian minority.

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Fun story: me and my wife kept talking about our nasty neighbour we call "the slug" and she got "Slug removal tips" on her YouTube suggestions.

I remember hearing him say "oranges" instead of "origins", realising he said the wrong thing and then repeating "oranges" again.

Seems like current game companies either blow millions on marketing a broken game, or spend nothing on it and then bitch and moan about how nobody knows about it.

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To be honest, “If it’s not giving me what I wanted out of this transaction, then it’s bad.” is a heuristic that works well for most things we buy. If I buy candy and it doesn't taste good, it's bad. If I buy a car and it breaks down, it's bad.

I think the real problem is that some people see games as a product and others see it as an art piece. Some games fail at being either, some succeed at both.

Mazda wasn't on the list, so I was curious: https://www.mazdausa.com/site/privacy-connectedservices

At least they won't sell your data without permission, for what it's worth these days.

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Maybe he had some dirt on Boeing.

Meanwhile, Vilnius-Lublin portal is working with no incidents.

Not really. It still has a price to book ratio of 9.10, which is still ridiculous for a car company.

For comparison:

Toyota is 1.21

Ford is 1.05

Honda is 0.66

VW is 0.38

Nissan is 0.36

The price-to-book ratio, or P/B ratio, is a financial ratio used to compare a company's current market value to its book value (where book value is the value of all assets minus liabilities owned by a company).

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I was born a bit after it collapsed, but I grew up in it's ruins. The people who talk about it will give you this picture:

Everybody stole, but friends shared. You can go to a store and find empty shelves, but go through people's houses and most people have most things.

Money was largely meaningless. Don't try to have a 100 roubles, try having a 100 friends instead. The friend from a dairy factory will give you sour cream, the friend from a store will give you best meat and canned goods from underneath the table, stuff not really available to the regular customers. The friend from the shoe supplies will give you a pair of shoes that last years.

Corruption was a way of life. To the older people, it still is.

Protect children... BUT NOT FROM ME!

That comment removal really affected the world in a big way.

Yes, but now their propaganda machine can say that they want to stop the war.

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Yes. But to see the defect, one has to remove the underside of the engine which we didn't do.

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ReadEra is a great freemium ebook reader that got me back into reading again.

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Businesses should automate the executives instead of labor.

Exposure is something people can die from.

Russia suffered a widespread internet outage affecting users across the country, with access to websites on the local .ru domain down.

The issue was linked to a technical problem with the .ru domain’s global Domain Name System Security Extensions, or DNSSEC, which is used to secure data exchanged in internet protocol networks, Russia’s Digital Ministry said in a statement on Telegram Tuesday.

The ministry said later Tuesday that the problem had been resolved and access restored.

Websites including the most popular local search engine Yandex.ru, ecommerce leaders Ozon.ru and Wildberries.ru, and apps of the country’s biggest banks — Sberbank PJSC and VTB Group — were all affected by the outage, state-run Ria reported, citing Downradar, a traffic monitoring service.

Disruptions were reported in Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tatarstan and the Sverdlovsk and Novosibirsk regions, Ria said.

Sberbank and VTB didn’t immediately reply to an emailed request for comment. Yandex declined to comment.

Jeri Ryan, who played 7 of 9 in Star Trek, was married to Jack Ryan, who was a Republican senator. Allegedly,, Jack liked watching her have sex with strangers. They got into a sex scandal that led to Jack Ryan losing the re-election. The man who won that election was, then a political upstart, Barack Obama.

You have probably been in big cities where a lot of stuff is happening but visit the countryside and it is full of broken people and dying towns.

Another thing to note is that further south you go, the happier people will seem, while in the north, long winter days and lack of Vitamin D can really mess with local people.

The people over 45 have it especially bad here, since the world they used to know is no longer there, they can't adapt to it, they don't make as much as some younger people do, and they are beginning to lose their friends and family. While life is amazing and exciting to the young adults you are most likely to talk to in bars. The contrast actually adds to depression.

When it comes to comparisons, I think the main difference is that in East Asia, people have to deal with too much order and monotony.

In East Europe, the life as you know it might disappear at any moment. Life is fragile and fleeting and everything around you and everything you know will be dead one day. Nature itself reinforces that fact every year.

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Fallen rockets might still have propellants in them, such as hydrazine or nitric acid, so I'd say it's a good call.

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TBH I would understand if he was smart, scheming and charismatic. Instead, they are rooting for a buffoon, an idiot and a failed businessman. He was even in power before, and they still want him back.

It looks like the head of a vacuum cleaner. Or a Star Trek TOS phaser.

Niche musical instruments. A "cheap" hurdy gurdy can cost up to 2000 dollars and still sound like a bag of cats in a washing machine.

Some new recent models that are relatively cheap and sound okay exist now, but you really need to do your research.

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They can, they just don't want to. Impose sanctions on Israel's tech industry and restrict material imports and watch their state collapse into nothing in 2 years.

Here's what stories I remember from USSR-Afghanistan war, told by actual veterans:

They would punish extremist acts by throwing women and children out of a helicopter, Pinochet style. The person who told me that drank ever since he got back from the war and never stopped.

There was one man who left his tent for a midnight leak and came back to his entire tent with their throats slit. Had insane PTSD.

My father-in-law got his legs messed up by machine gun fire, got airlifted to East Germany to get put back together, doesn't talk much, but still drinks a lot.

A lot of unseen costs of this war will take decades to be seen.

Reduced education spending? Less qualified workers to create added value.

Reduced social services? More people getting sick and dying.

Reduced infrastructure spending? Increased prices of transport and goods.

Lithuanian here.

What mostly grinds my gears is Lithuanians taking an English word and adding a Lithuanian ending, and often even a wrong one:

breakupinosi instead of išsiskyrė, faitinosi instead of mušėsi , etc.

Some other gripes include optimaliausias i.e. most optimal. Optimal is already the best, what is the point of saying bestest?

Adding pointless phrases like ta prasme i.e. in that meaning is also common but seen as a major style error.

All languages that are used are kinda broken, except the synthetic ones, like Esperanto.

The amount of exceptions and weird rules in non-English languages I speak (Lithuanian and Swedish) and kinda know (Russian) proves it.