2 Post – 124 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

I agree with everything you said here except you're read on that question. There's a huge area between expecting your partner to take your personal safety seriously, and expecting your partner to kill for you. One of those is a reasonable ask, the other is a reasonable excuse to leave.

There's a mod that puts a museum in solitude and hundreds of unique collectables into the game as well as several small quests. The whole of it is comparable to the Thieves guild in content and the stories are well written. Plus it gives you a place to store all the beautiful unique items and radiant quests to go get them.

Personally I love it, it's everything I want in Skyrim.

I think Weird Al Yankovic would be the perfect opponent. The absurdity of a political debate where Trump spouts absolute nonsense in a perfectly serious manor while Al lays serious facts in the most nonsensical form would be the show of the century and weird Al has better qualifications for the job by trumps standards having maintained cultural relevancy and financial stability for 4 decades. Plus he's jest super likeable.

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That depends on whether or not I can be a Bender. Culturally I think I'd be better suited as an air nomad, it fits my wanderlust and passive lifestyle. Otherwise the earth Kingdom, especially if I could be an earth bender.

Don't Do Crimes

Judges hate him for this one easy trick!

This is the kind of drama I want from Twitter. Nothing to do with presidents.

I got cut off by a minivan one time so I guess Biden is saying I have carde blanc to run every minivan I see off the road.

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worryingly dated hands-on

less exciting than expected

It's 2024, is there anyone genuinely stupid enough to not have expected exactly that from the start? In a world of passionately programed indi titles and fantastic strides from studios that care about their product, why is anyone taking the time to even look at Ubisoft these days, let alone fall for their scam?

So I gave the article a glance and it's a bit beyond me can someone give me an eli5?

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Don't get me stated on how fucking dumb it is that everyone everywhere just immediately turns to murder. Crime isn't something I have a problem with, so when I say I've never committed a murder it's not because the pesky laws are stopping me. I just genuinely don't see the need to kill someone. But no, everyone and their mom is going full zodiac all day all night if it went for laws!

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Guy here, I've worn a few in my time and it's a lot like wearing a new ring on your finger, at first you notice it constantly, you feel it between your fingers and you notice when it moves, but eventually you forget it's even there. Exact same experience with thongs. After the initial sensory experience wears off its as present in your mind as the underwear you're currently wearing. It doesn't move much between the cheeks, and I can't say I've ever explicitly felt it shading my asshole.

Personally I'm not a fan of them because they don't provide the two things I wear underwear for, padding between my thighs so they don't chafe, and decency if I manage to cut it rip my pants while working. If I don't need to worry about those I'll just go commando.

OK but let's talk about the practical thing, how do I, a random American, get one?

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When I read the headline my immediate thought was "roads now have subscription services" and the most upsetting part of that is that I wasn't even surprised.

This is actually the tactic I used on the rest of the neighborhood. The small town charm and my double chocolate brownies cooked in a waffle maker (I call them Wownies) has me on good terms with everyone from the dealer down the street to the homeless under the bridge. Unfortunately these folk don't bite when I offer and bite too much then I don't. After the first few tries they just started trying to hang out in my yard and started peaking too close at me workshop.

I'm just gonna ruin it for 90% of the replies here and drop the unusual articles page. It will have pretty much everything.

Also Chaos Magic is a wild ride.

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It's a buck 25 now, but you can get two Inc brand R2 pens at dollar tree. They're the only thing I've written with for nearly a decade now. They're a smooth ballpoint with a slight bleed in 0.7 making your penmanship look bold, smooth, and steady. Everything my handwriting lacks. They now make a 0.5 and is equally as clean but far better for smallest script. One pen lasts me about 6 months of regular writing.

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My personal experience has actually been quite whew opposite of everyone here apparently. Of the 3 vegans I've spent time with, not one of them has ever brought it up to preach or to sound smug. It only ever comes up because I ask for a recipe they served and they say something along the lines of "now, this is a vegan recipe, but you should be able to substitute 'x' with 'y' if you wanna avoid that." It's never preachy, it's always in the "don't let this being vegan ruin it for you" kind of way.

My low stakes conspiracy is that vegan hate on the internet is like people that don't like the word moist. They either watched friends and decided to adopt that as a personality trait, or they look up to someone that did just that. They hate veganism because they watched a comedian quip about it and agreed or they saw someone that watched a comedian and agreed. It's all too consistent to not be feeding from the same bowl.

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Superman is such a single note character that the good things that came out of his existence can all be counted on one hand. I get that he was foundational to the concept of superheros, but it shows in this day and age.

I will say the monologue in justice league while he's slapping around Darkside is immaculate though.

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It's my biggest gripe against the left. Imagine betting your life on a game of football where one side is playing no contact tag rules and the other is playing full lethality death ball rules. We'll sit here and talk about how they're not playing fair, but pride parades won't march with guns. We'll cry about how horrid it is that they force their religion into our schools but we won't use the same system to fight it.

The left will die for their beliefs, but the right will kill for them. Only one of those methods leaves survivors.

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So I did the napkin math, if you pick two random pills and two random pills, there's a 19.05% chance to get something objectively bad, a 28.57% chance of getting something useless, and a 52.38% chance of getting something objectively good for a total 80.95% chance to get something not bad. Assuming infinite loops are banned and you don't have a genuine interest in a given pill, 4 random pills is the best call.

There's also a 2.27% chance of getting 2 random pills on each of those 4 tries.

I live in my house, they don't.

So, depressingly, he already has it. He's the only candidate running so I have to vote for him if I'm going to vote at all.

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The second option protects it from the bronies.

I'd like to think I'm not so backed into a corner that violence is the answer, so I'll do what I do every day of the week: keep my head down and wait.

If push comes to shove, and the lives of myself and my people are genuinely threatened, I won't retaliate in kind. I come from a long line of people that knew the benefits of blending in. I may not have the moxy to be a firebrand or to rally others to a cause, I may not have the heart to pull a trigger, but I have the means and skill to make triggers and the good sense to stay away from they places they get used.

It may not be the heroic sense of most Americans, but I was born into an America that sold us an action hero instead of providing us safety and I've never been one to buy rhetoric. I will not give my life for a cause, I will live to see it succeed.

That's kind of the point though isn't it? It's not the car's fault we can't afford the gas. We need to stop arguing about the ethics of using AI and start arguing about the ethics of the people using it unethically.

There is a person in that studio that suggested using AI, there is a person who gave the go ahead to do it. Those people need to be the problem, not the toy they decided to play with.

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There are sea snails living near volcanic vents that metabolize the extra iron into shells and plating. I expect we'll see a similar adaptation at some point. Simple organisms issuing plastic in some sort of process that toughens their shells. If left unchecked we may see an evolutionary leap as more things adapt, and a die off as plastic becomes a finite resource. Future generations may argue the merits of artificially supporting the microplastic ecosystem in the same vein that we argue about reducing it.

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Fake age comparison really making me feel old. Mine was Jan 1,1980

As a bug fan of borderlands, I honestly wish they made a mobile spin off for the minigame that they're using for this. I love playing the game they made for it, I love that it's doing actual stuff, I just have a limited amount of time to sit down and play games at my pc and when I boot borderlands I wanna play borderlands.

Literally anything from Aldi. Every single sweet they sell there is amazing, stupidly cheap, bafflingly well made.

Outside of that, Easter egg reese's pieces eggs. They have a way better ratio of peanut butter to candy shell than the little bits.

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Conservative policy theory aims to limit the over reach of the federal government by offloading the governing to smaller legislative bodies with a stronger feel for what needs to be done in a given location.

A good example would be your county managing taxes, laws, and infrastructure within its borders. Your state codifying laws that are embodied in the majority of the counties for the ease of travel between them, and the country doing the same based on states.

The vast majority of regulation would be left in the hands of the people and the community they participate in with the state and federal governments only stepping in for judicial reasons when a lower body can't come to agreement, if an outside threat moves upon the country as a whole, or if a crime crosses state borders.

While I quite like this model, it doesn't jive with our current view of politics.

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Must've been some strong jack...

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Well the dogs are constantly trying to get my son, the burning plastics can be smelt in the house, they've broken a section of our fence trying to get their dogs, and of course the 3am motorcycle business.

A doppelganger of sorts replaces a character, but it's entirely for the better. Despite being an unearthly monstrosity, it's well meaning, good intentioned and has everyone's best in mind. Unfortunately this isn't seen as a good thing by the crowd the original ran with, and those who find out are at a crux between liking the person and fearing the monster.

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There's a meme floating around that suggests taking inspiration for wand using from conductors and I cannot stress how amazing every fight in Harry potter would have been if this was the standard.

To add to the star wars situation, the jedi are just as bad for the force as the sith, if not worse. They enforce a rigorous dogma that forces their own to suppress all emotion from a young age out of fear that they may be corrupted by the dark side. Not only does this literally make Darth Vader, but it leads to an entire society of emotionally stunted psychics who apparently go rogue very often. They're not sustainable.

Ignoring the new movies because I genuinely can't figure out what they're about, Anakin fulfilled the prophecy at the end of the original 3, destroying the incredibly powerful dogmatic regime of the jedi and killing both master and pupil of the sith leaving only independent, self governed force users dotting the galaxy.

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Anything from Aldi. Here in the US they put butyric acid in the chocolate. It's partially because it's what people associated with chocolate because if early Hersey production and partially because it increases the shelf life. It's also the acid you find in rancid butter and vomit. European chocolate doesn't do this and so you get a smoother chocolate without the gross bite.

Before living near an Aldi I could only afford to get good chocolate on a rare occasion but even the junk Easter egg chocolates at Aldi are amazing and affordable! So now I can actually say I like chocolate!

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Don't apologize for him, am apology means an acceptance of wrong doing and am effort to improve and repair the damages. This dipshit isn't going to do that.

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The roku TV I have screens every dvd we play and tells us we can watch it easier on a streaming service.

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Yeah, that's the French I was looking for!

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