
2 Post – 185 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Money can't buy happiness but it can buy you the American government.

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Merci buttercups.

I'll be at work and avoiding the break room. I live in Utah where my options for candidates are usually "Über-Mormon Tr*mp Fascist" or "Obviously Mormon Fiscal Conservative Wealth Gospel Hate the Poor" or "Token Democrat who would shove a homeless person in front of a bus evangelical."

I'll catch the memes afterwards.

Centrum Silver

Yes. There should probably be some sort of disclaimer about how much Rotten Rons paid for this incredibly in-depth reporting.

I was feeling kinda sad about the whole thing then I saw the part about the two small dogs. I'm guessing they weren't on a lead.

"Ha! Look at Gretchen play with the little Kuh. So nett! Oh...mama looks mad...ach Scheiße!"

My family prefers Brawndo. It has what plants crave.

We're reaching a point where anyone who identifies as a Republican needs serious psychological help.


BRICS just keeps winning, doesn't it?

Brazil is led by a reactionary who understands nuance less than your average reddit troll, yet Lula is probably the best president they've had in 20 years.

Russia. Wants to rule Europe but it's military is only slightly more competent than a bunch of 12 year old boys with airsoft guns and a 12 pack of Monster drinks.

India is led by an ethnofascist who is using Hinduism to turn the country into a dictatorship. Will eat Russia to empower itself.

West Taiwan aka China. Should focus on taking eastern Russia instead of trying to cause a massive war by invading Taiwan.

South Africa. The least insane of the bunch.

If Tr*mp wins, the US will probably sign up. It'll have to be called ABRICS though cuz 'Murica First!

Um, no.

Letting yourself and your family be potential carriers of disease because your invisible sky daddy says abortion bad - which in the Bible is not the case - is forcing your beliefs on others.

You don't want to vaccinate your kids to help protect the community at large? Then don't be surprised when society rejects your dumb selfish ass. Homeschool and wear masks out in public if you really believe.

There is no proof outside of the Bible and some other writings. Even those mentions seem to have occurred well after Jesus supposedly lived.

In terms of non-literary proof, there isn't anything credible.

There's more evidence that King David existed.

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The existence of close minded, bigoted people automatically renders them in violation of just about every societal norm and contract.

Punching a racist/homophobe/terf/Mazi is always justified. Their existence is a threat to others because of their beliefs.

Would you tell an abused spouse to tolerate or be less close minded about being hit or emotionally abused?

Go f off with your fence sitting.

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He'll join Cucker Tarlson and Melon Tusk on Telegram and Xitter.

Elon is working on it. Some of the women even consented freely.

Just saw a Wankpanzer for the first time last Friday and I agree. It is ugly and anyone who fell for this scam deserves every ounce of derision they receive.

Yes it does.

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John Deere probably bribed lobbied hard for that carve out. It was their practices that helped drive the right to repair movement. Giving them a pass really diminishes the accomplishment.

Smaller farms are going to get screwed over with all the fees and mandatory maintenance that can be imposed.

Everyone gets angry about printers needing a debit card on file but manufacturers like John Deere do similar stuff. If they think you've tinkered with it, they can disable the equipment remotely.

Exactly. It's Microsoft ffs. They don't care what consumers want. The only time they do anything truly beneficial is when the EU makes them.

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How many are bots/paid for by Russia and China?

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I wish more Trump Supporters were media literate so that these words might reach them.

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Don't. Don't give me hope.

This is the kind of person who thinks you can grow and sell a million tomatoes in one year. It's all about "the hustle" - physics and reality be damned.

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She was in DC Federal court to represent the founder of Overstock (dot) com - a big time Trump supporter, election denier, and stereotypical Utah rich douche nozzle.

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You got paid? We used to have to pay for the privilege of being crushed to death at work.

Just like they didn't rush Starfield? Well, Microsoft told them to spend another year on it. I can't imagine what that version looked like.

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It actually is the job of the House to submit names for federal buildings and such.

For everyone saying it's a waste of time by the Democrats, there's more serious work to do, etc, etc - until a Democrat becomes Speaker, Moscow Mike is going to continue to prevent any real work from getting done.

The House passes normally over 400 bills each year, post WW2. Last year, it was barely 30. Most of those were "culture war" bullshit symbolic bills.

As long as the Republican chucklefucks run the House, nothing serious will get done.

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I didn't have to program this, thankfully. The code was used as an example of recursion but the explanation was lacking so I ended up writing out each frame by end until I understood it. Took a few pages and a couple of hours.

I am grateful that I learned what I did going through it but I'd rather not do it again.

I did a quick search and he's definitely looking for donations to help pay his bills. The bankruptcy won't protect him from the Sandy Hook judgment so he's still on the hook for the billion and a half.

Of course Cro-Magnon Taylor Greene Xitted her support for him.

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So, since they're not-so-subtlely trying to murder these students, then they are saying that political violence is okie-dokie?

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Everyones favorite source - "trust me, bro."

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Definitely a stripper name.

There's always the chance they'll end up starting a nuclear war with Pakistan. I wouldn't put it past Modi to nuke India.

2016 was awful...it was like choosing between breaking some ribs or a breaking a femur. It was going to suck no matter what. Turns out the femur break was a compound fracture that had gangrene set in.

In retrospect do I wish she had won? Yes. Definitely. On the other hand, that might have meant a 2020 Trump victory.

Unless she really embraced the progressive wing of the party and really moved the country forward in terms of resolving home ownership, income stagnation, or health care in an impactful way, I can't imagine her getting a second term.

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Kinda... mostly because the best ones never become candidates. The parties push the candidates that serve the interests of the partys donors then try to convince the voters they actually care.

Most elections are a choice between two mediocre candidates.

With the current state of the Republican party, it's truly about getting more of them out of power. Unless you're a white Christofascist bootlicker.

Don't tell me how to live my life! You're not even my real dad!

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The judge has all the leeway in this case. Since these crimes were committed to influence an election and undermine democracy, the judge can make him go to prison for the 4 years.

Another factor in sentencing is remorse - Trump has never said he's genuinely sorry for anything. If the judge isn't convinced that this is a one time thing (which is tough since it's 34 charges involving multiple events with multiple accomplices), prison is more likely.

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Why many word when few good?

Seriously though, "AI" itself is misleading but if they want to be ignorant and whiny about it, then they should be labeled just as they are.

What they really seem to want is an automatic metadata tag that is more along the lines of "a human took this picture and then used 'AI' tools to modify it."

That may not work because by using Adobe products, the original metadata is being overwritten so Thotagram doesn't know that a photographer took the original.

A photographer could actually just type a little explanation ("I took this picture and then used Gen Fill only") in a plain text document, save it to their desktop, and copy & paste it in.

But then everyone would know that the image had been modified - which is what they're trying to avoid. They want everyone to believe that the picture they're posting is 100% their work.

Exactly. I imagine Floridas numbers show growth since they're a "sanctuary state" for the worst of the worst cops.

I would say something about cognitive dissonance but that gives people like this too much credit.

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