House Democrats introduce bill to rename Miami federal prison after Trump to Not The – 485 points –
House Democrats introduce bill to rename Miami federal prison after Trump

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It actually is the job of the House to submit names for federal buildings and such.

For everyone saying it's a waste of time by the Democrats, there's more serious work to do, etc, etc - until a Democrat becomes Speaker, Moscow Mike is going to continue to prevent any real work from getting done.

The House passes normally over 400 bills each year, post WW2. Last year, it was barely 30. Most of those were "culture war" bullshit symbolic bills.

As long as the Republican chucklefucks run the House, nothing serious will get done.

Because obstruction and stochastic terrorism is all they know how to do, there’s no plan for improving anything in citizens’ lives. We had the same problem during Obama’s administration, everyone with an R by their name gleefully announced they would block any and all progress just to spite the libs. We should be building more guillotines

Remember the Republican platform in the 2020 election. It was one page that said, "We oppose Obama." That was their entire platform.

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