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Joined 12 months ago

Oh, no, I get that, I'm just saying those things make him annoying. It gives lots of opportunity for character development, but he's still annoying until he develops.

He had a tendency to be immediately dismissive, impatient, and often outright insulting to other cultures and non-Federation types. The kid needed some humility, and often showed his age and closed-mindedness when he shut out ideas that didn't come from his superiors.

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I had thought the recent understanding was they were likely small wings, like emus or ostriches, to help with balance. Angled back instead of forward.

It made it so I couldn't play the game, because my computer didn't meet the spec requirements.

Not saying it was a bad call. My computer was old and shitty, but now I'm out another $900.

They are both obviously old, so a couple sitting down breaks in the debate seems legitimately reasonable.

I'm in my 40s, and while I could stand and talk for 90 minutes, it would be pretty uncomfortable and my back would be aching a bit by the end. I don't think I could do it at 80.

I bet Simone Giertz's Truckla had working windshield wipers...

Think of it like a river. If you were getting washed away down a river, would you try to save yourself by swimming up river to where you were? No, you swim to the bank and make your way back from there.

A rip current is just a river in the ocean.

Edit: meant to reply to Not_Rick

Front seat? Sure. Back seat? Nah. You have to remove paneling, pull a tab up, then pull a cord forward. That is a three step, non-obvious and non-intuitive way to open a door.

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They have some pretty impressive tourism videos too.

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Okay, I need to say it: having an ad for your own programming is still an ad.

Paramount. I'm looking at you, Paramount. I don't want to watch your shitty movie/TV show/whatever about the shitty mom from the His Dark Materials series losing another kid. Stop playing the same goddamn ad for it before every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Especially since you feel the need to double whatever goddamn volume I have set in the opening to the ad. I pay for the subscription, I already bought your product. Fuck off with your shitty ad.

I mean, others do it too and it pisses me off, but I'm on Season 2 of TNG and I may just have to get it some other way and canceling Paramount because that ad has started really getting to me.

13 more...

Here's a better question, Judge Pan.

Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate unsympathetic judges, either of an appeals court or the Supreme Court itself, since that's an "official act?" Because that might be something worth considering.

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Is pointing a gun at an unarmed person who is offering no threat to you not brandishing? Is that not a crime? Do crimes that happen in a courtroom not count as crimes?

It's not justice that he was fired years later. If he's not charged that is blatant, unmitigated corruption.

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It's funny that the only reason I understood modern speech of an ancient story is because I already knew the ancient story.

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That headline was a rollercoaster.

I've had to have several conversations with my wife about her not using a bad mental autofill.

So much of the time (especially with important conversations), she's already decided what I'm saying within the first few words (of an entire conversation) and then the conversation gets way too long because it is very clear she's not getting what I'm saying because she's locked into her autofill. She's gotten better over time, but man is it frustrating.

4 more...

They're prepping for the first week, and amassing guns to take from more prepared people after that. To them, Doomsday is their opportunity to go Mad Max style. They're looking forward to being the bad guys in every post-apocalyptic film, the raider group everyone runs and hides to avoid.

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I've never understood "quiet quitting" as a term. When did just doing your job become something that needs a term? "Working adequately" seems more apt, but I can't imagine the context that would be worthy of discussion outside an employee review.

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From everything I've heard about the election in Argentina, it was the meeting of "Anything is better than this" and "it can always get worse." The former won, and proved the latter correct.

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I find it beyond ridiculous that they are allowed to wear their police officer uniform while working private security. You should not be able to pay for police officer muscle. That uniform, and the authority that goes with it, is in service to the taxpaying public.

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Oh, you must be unaware of who this is. He is (or was, we'll see after his Xitter debacle) actually one of the richest men on the planet, and despite being able to pay thousands a day solely on his own child without even noticing, he's going to great lengths to avoid paying more than the absolute bare minimum for his own child.

Hope that clears it up.

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Seriously. I don't have the energy to keep track of that shit. If somebody was shitty to me they just get labeled as "not friend" and get treated like an acquaintance. Anything more requires me to care about them in some way, and I have shit to do.

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So at what point do people in areas so corrupt that the mayor's sons are able to murder blatantly and with impunity muster up a posse to take care of it themselves?

People should lose the protection of the social contract of law when it stops applying to them.

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Hoooooly hell, good luck getting that study going. No ethical concerns there!

One of my coworkers was talking about how his wife (a truly hateful woman) was complaining about having been to a bathroom at a particular airport, and how they had changed them for trans people (she presumed). In particular, they had made all the stalls have floor-to-ceiling doors for privacy. I responded "wait... she's mad because they made the bathrooms better for everyone, because they did it for trans people? That is an objectively better bathroom situation. I can't imagine being upset by that."

People can still manage to be upset, but if they did do that for trans people (and I'm honestly not convinced), that's fantastic, and is a perfect example of what you're talking about, I think.

The awfulness of the story aside, I do want to put a small bit of appreciation toward ABC News for not dropping some bullshit like "17-year-old man dead following an officer-involved shooting during a welfare check." The voice is passive still, but at least it cuts to the point, that the kid was killed by a police officer.

My only notes are that it should say "Officer shot and killed 17-year-old while conducting a welfare check." As it is, it's like it's saying the kid was shot and killed, and it just so happened to be by an officer.

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This is the type of thing that could be answered if people followed banal statistical data the way sports people follow sports data.

"This is the first time since 2017 they've scored over 30 points in the third quarter in a home game during the pre-season."

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I agree that they public schools should teach the history and dangers of communism. And the history and dangers of capitalism. And the history and danger of monarchies. And the history and dangers of democracy (and republics). And especially the history and dangers of fascism.

Those are all important subjects to teach, and there is not a governmental or economic system in current or previous existence that wasn't vulnerable to corruption, inefficiency, or evil in some way. An educated populous is the way to mitigate those vulnerabilities.

Seriously. Like, okay, you think that the whole transgender thing is a fad, or "attention-seeking," or any other nonsense. Everybody is entitled to opinions, even stupid ones. I guarantee I have some stupid opinions, myself, about things that have no relevance to me.

But feeling the need to express those opinions, and feeling so strongly about it, and wanting to make legislation for it, and pretending you give two shits about girls' and womens' sports when 5 years ago you were talking shit about the WNBA because they were a joke to you, when you will knowingly interact with a trans person once or twice in a year, maybe, in your little podunk town, and since you are talking to them you won't have an opportunity to use a pronoun for them... well there's obviously something else at work here.

It makes it clear it's just an excuse to hate, because trans people don't affect them in the slightest.

6 more...

Seriously. He said his defense attorney was inadequate and asked for a different attorney. The judge said you take this one or you decide to represent yourself. And then the defense attorney asked to withdraw.

He never chose to defend himself. He never got the option to continue with his (to his mind) inadequate attorney. They made him defend himself for even questioning if he could get another attorney.

And then instead of explaining or trying to rectify the situation, she just yelled at him and sicced her goons on him.

There seem to be some similarities between Boeing whistleblowers and the Final Destination movies right now. This guy should go live in a padded cell.

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So reading the title, I was thinking "Oh, so he really owned his mistake, and with humility shifted focus to prevent future deaths like the one he caused."

Nope! Another grift. Way to double down, you unrepentant greed-bag.

I really enjoyed the concept and story of In Time, which apparently has a 37% tomato meter and 51% audience score. That was probably the first less than 60% one I saw I particularly liked.

Edit: I take it back, I choose Elysium. It has a 59% audience meter and I frickin LOVE that movie, all the way down to the villain being super crazy and virtually unintelligible.

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Right? What other possible materials could they use? Prior to plastic, we just cupped our hands and had people pour beverages into them, or directly into our mouths.

Plastics have been revolutionary in keeping our hands and faces from getting sticky. I, for one, refuse to go back to the days of sucking off the tap.

11 more...

You don't want a masochistic sword. Swords should be sadistic.

But you definitely want a masochistic shield. If it's a switch (toss a spike on it), even better.

Hell, if she got pregnant they'd make her give birth and probably give him partial custody.

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Your premise is incorrect. The burden of proof for quantum mechanics is on the people claiming they exist. They provided those proofs, which is why people believe in them. I haven't studied quantum mechanics, but if you asked somebody who does, they could offer proof or evidence. And if they couldn't, then your claim it doesn't exist (until proof was proffered) would be correct.

9 more...

So at the risk of severe down votes, I'm going to approach this by what he means, and not how everyone is taking it. And to get it out of the way, what he's saying is still wrong, just not, I think, in the pedo or ephebo or whatever way.

I believe the point he is making are they are at a prime biological point for reproducing, they have all the hormones going and all the adult-like systems in place to make them want to have sex (presumably with each other). And he's absolutely right. We in the more sex positive left have been saying it for a long time, which is why we push for better sex and reproductive health education.

His standpoint is, we can't stop them from having sex, so removing the option to marry makes abortion a better option. I agree completely, but where we differ is that I think that's good to have that option and continue their lives to start careers and have children on their own terms, and he thinks it's bad because teenage moms are better than abortions (and, really, better all around).

Our standpoint: they're going to have sex anyway, so give them the education and resources to prevent pregnancy, and abortion available as a last resort.

His standpoint: they're going to anyway, so make sex a scary thing that leads to pregnancy, and then make the only avenue marriage. Because MORE BABIES.

I think his actual standpoint is really shitty. We don't need to read shit into what he's saying to amp up the rage bait.

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Say it out loud.

"Do you like fish sticks?"


"Then you're a gay fish."

Kanye in the show didn't get it and thought people were calling him a gay fish. So if real Kanye didn't get the joke, and got mad because he thought South Park was calling him a gay fish... that's just incredible.

17 more...

Oh, great, so he bought evidence of a crime from the hotel (how are both of sides of that transaction not being prosecuted for obstruction of justice?!), and held onto it long enough to go past the surprisingly short statute of limitations. I guess if you have the money, that's all you need to do.

That SoL is ridiculous.

Then it's a pretty stupid metric. A small country could imprison and torture half its population and still be a tiny fraction of total people in prison.

That being said, there's obviously way too many people in prison in the US right now.