How does South Park get away with trashing identifiable people? Are they sued often? to No Stupid – 301 points –

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Say it out loud.

"Do you like fish sticks?"


"Then you're a gay fish."

Kanye in the show didn't get it and thought people were calling him a gay fish. So if real Kanye didn't get the joke, and got mad because he thought South Park was calling him a gay fish... that's just incredible.

I still don't get it

Are you by chance kanye west? In all seriousness it's because fish sticks sounds like fish dicks

Oooooooooooh... I might not be Kanye, but it seems I am of similar intelligence.

Nah I think it's overthinking the thing while it's a juvenile joke. I got it after I thought about it a lot

Sounds like someone likes putting fish sticks in their mouth...

I might not be Kanye, but it seems I am of similar intelligence.

so you believe you're the greatest and smartest creature of all time? whoaaaa duuuude

Isn't that still a roundabout way of calling him a gay fish?

Fish sticks... Fish's dicks...

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You obviously didn't get the joke.

They were calling Kanye gay because he was the first rapper to wear a pink jumper and wear skinny jeans.

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