11 Post – 310 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Exactly. Sometimes you require only a texture and cauliflower runs the gamut from crunchy to creamy. I don’t want to stock my fridge with 400 ingredients and let indecision lead them all to the dumpster, so a daily driver like cauliflower is incredibly useful. Learning to mix colors is fundamental to painting. Same premise here.

I want you to imagine an indestructible box filled with all the world’s comforts. How do you craft it? How do you procure the materials to craft it? How do you search for the means to find the materials to craft it? Hard questions without a simple solution.

Now I want you to picture a decently sturdy box filled with some neat stuff. And now I want you to picture yourself bashing it to pieces. Pretty doable, right?

It’s easy to break something of value, it’s near impossible to craft the invincible. Especially when half of your team is actively bashing.

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Pretty much. If you want tangible change, locate your closest billionaire and eat them. If you just want a taste of the decent box, come to Europe.

Prostrate yourselves, defective prole masses. I’ve memorized my +/- tables all the way up to 8.

There’s so much expectation and trust put upon terrestrial pets. The only pet that I haven’t asked something to the effect of “why would you do that?” or “what did you expect to happen?” was a goldfish. RIP Goldie. Your only mistake was naïveté to cannibalism.

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Nah, my friend used to hang out at MJ’s house all the time and he doesn’t remember any pedophilia. Or anything else.

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Simply running a campaign into the ground and then quietly moving the money into different accounts after a couple of years is incredibly popular as well. The US is terrible at tracking defunct campaign accounts.

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Did they think the vote was a joke or something? Just a silly little smidgeon of sexopolitical violence?

The rarity of trolls is nice. The near absence of advertising accounts is immeasurably gratifying. Valuing both privacy and Linux is…

You’ve described literally every conceivable situation in politics. You should switch it to “Maeve (quotable)” next.

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They did it for a bit, and assuredly for a bit. And yes, they were famous for a bit. If you can find a Lemmbin server 2 weeks behind on its queue, you might find the bits.

If it wasn’t you then someone else named themselves Maeve (famous) for a bit.

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Every time she puts on her Jammies, I imagine she’s excited to wake up 160 dollars richer.

Google: “It’s free real estate.”

They did protest. And everyone was arrested. Then they protested the arrests. And everyone was arrested. Then people just silently stood in groups holding blank signs. And everyone was arrested.

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Conservative comments on this joyous event can be divided into three groups.

Group 1: how dare the government do this to our golden god!?

Group 2: this is good for Trump’s campaign for reasons

Group 3: the demonrats are going to say mean things about us

Note that none of these are “oh man, I might have been wrong to support him.” The complete absence of regret coupled with severe delusions around trump are more than slightly distressing in the long term.

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That’s fascinating, it sounds like the cost for Google to store, categorize, and disseminate this information is higher than the profit. Morals are unlikely to be relevant, after all. Or are they simply using devices as their storage medium?

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Back from Reddit, and here’s the deal.

1: based upon your karma earned per week, you get a share of all gold given to your account. They shared only that 100-4999 karma per week gives $.90 per gold and 5000-? gives $1.00 per gold.

This will literally destroy every single community with a deluge of spam. They implied that they had a new spam system but it’s Reddit, so it will be ineffective at best. What, have they been purposefully allowing spam for years to train identification just for this moment?

2: No clue. Hopefully just joking.

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Aggressive drunk* idiots. Statistically.

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Denying HIV medication is such a malignant display. How does one convince themselves that this is the right course?

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The fourth most reposted copypasta on the internet.

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If it’s on twitter, it lacks value regardless of the message or quality. Don’t support the largest hate speech aggregator currently available.

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Clarence Thomas resign




Outside? In the middle of a maelstrom of plant cum? No thanks.

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“Classist racists travel across the ocean, birth classist racist to spread classism and racism. Are shocked to find classism and racism.”

Left: Princess bubblegum

Right: a patriotic Czech beachgoer

How’d I do?

Hey, can I hire you to articulate my indignation full-time?

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I sincerely can’t figure out how to use Amazon anymore and I’m very tech literate. Top that off with their labor practices literally being criminal and you have a spicy pizza pie.

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My favorite is menstruation calendars with friend lists. My least favorite is when my gynecologist wants to hang out only a week out of the month.

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Venn diagram:

Japanese dev (buy it, you piece of garbage) dominatrix

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I’m reminded of a prank channel I used to watch. He was briefly in jail for a bomb prank and later attacked and beat a woman, seemingly for fun, just a few years ago. These prank channels are nearly universally run by terrible people and there does not seem to be a single thing that will dissuade them from “advancing” their “art.”

Q “What’s the pug’s disability?”

A “It’s a pug.”

Jagex running afoul of the player base? Is it Wednesday again?

The machine understood what they needed and supplied the cure. Two hundred years ago, “AI” was a blind woman in a yurt smoking a sweet substance from a long mixed wood and metal pipe, urging you to kill the reincarnation of vlad the impaler lest he take your spouse in the night. Frankly, AI is bringing us back to our roots.

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What sort of doofy prude poorly censors “sex?” Is it reply bait?

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Boeing lost over 50% of its profits due to the issues with the Max in 2019. They cannot learn, purge the company leadership. Preferably with fire.

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The first time /r/place was offered was markedly different from the others. The first was a free-for-all hellfest for a long while where organization wasn’t even secondary or tertiary to the experience. Then came the age of “reason” and brands and flags sprouted up, obliterating any semblance of originality with an uninteresting mob of paint rollers. The second go around, there was nothing new, everything was pre-planned and strategically plotted, and genitals were a big no-no. To answer your question, novelty and the spontaneous lack thereof. Freedom and the spontaneous lack thereof.

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Recent hands-on experiments determined human feces cannot be made into frozen knives to dismember dogs” is the absolute most that a single sentence can be. The peak has been crested, literature can only stagnate from here.

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