Not Foreign Shills Rule to – 353 points –

Sowing DEI division after tragedy: =>1 of these posters has to be a paid actor right?


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If it’s on twitter, it lacks value regardless of the message or quality. Don’t support the largest hate speech aggregator currently available.

Not mine btw - and based on just one of the tweets being in dark mode, my source was probably already secondary.

One of the big reasons the downfall of birdsite is so disappointing is the significant value remaining in at least select niches. There are still some voices there not represented on the fediverse. Sad.

The one thing that I appreciate about twitter’s interface is how transient its information is. If people, twitter’s only actual commodity, can be convinced to move then very little is lost in the transfer. No clue why mastodon isn’t gaining ground faster considering its relatively massive userbase. It should have reached a tipping point already.