
6 Post – 80 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

I don't play Stardew Valley that often or that much, but what I do play is delightful. It's a pretty versatile game.

A frustratingly empty article. Why are they struggling to "make ends meet"? What ends? If it's housing, this is a housing story. If it's high auto loan debt, that's a mother matter. If it's not housing and it's accrued consumer debt, that's a different matter.

They never say, so there isn't much to conclude from this piece.

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I'll have to give that one a try!

tab grouping

Sure, okay.

vertical tabs

To each their own.

profile management

Whatever, it's fine.

and local AI features


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Non-paywalled article here:


Officers arrested one of the bar's owners because he refused to show them ID? The officers just crashed into his bar in the middle of the night, he gets out of bed to see what that loud noise was, and they arrest him because he won't show them ID? In Missouri police can only ask to see ID if there is a reasonable suspicion of some wrongdoing, and I can't see that a building owner is doing anything wrong when he checks on the probationary cops that just plowed into his building because they suck at driving or were driving too fast.

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I really wish there was a better alternative to push my friends to. I do use Bandcamp, so at least I know more of my $$$ are going to the artists and I can take the music with me, but I'm not sure about the platform long-term.

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I had one of these plans for over a decade. It was fun while it lasted—I won't be staying with the company after this.

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Justice Sotomayor is the greatest risk, and she could have engineered her exit earlier this year. Remember that in November. Dems aren't even playing the same game.

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I'm fine with this, particularly since you can just tick the box and still access them. Linux Mint is such a good gateway for new Linux users, it makes sense to hide unverified flatpaks until they understand the risks. Plenty of people (perhaps myself included) won't ever need to worry about unverified flatpacks if their needs are simple and they don't add much beyond the standard software.

Amazon Music

I invested heavily in the Amazon Music ecosystem, I bought hundreds of albums on there, and the platform is now very nearly unusuable. I cannot even listen to the songs that I paid for without also having to listen to ads. And the Android app now hides the downloads in some hidden folder so I can't even download them and listen to them on another player. It makes me furious.

I've actually gone back to CDs, if you can believe it. It's kind of nice sometimes, especially for full album plays, but I do miss a nice big playlist of my favorite songs from all artists.

You're not wrong, but it was also kind of a cultural moment and it's weird that it was disappeared entirely. Most games like that have long tails of focus creep, neglect, crapware, or irrelevance, but Flappy Bird went out with a pop.

The NYC/MTA budget was calculated based on congestion revenue. The budget hole this creates is a huge problem. This was a capitulation that probably won't win Gov. Hochel any votes, but it certainly will throw NYC tax and budgets in disarray. Twenty-five years in the making, and she chickens out 3 weeks before. I'm just shaking my head.

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Any department that actually buys one of these turkeys is going to be very unhappy about the maintenance costs. Can't park under trees, can't let it get rained on, and if you're in a medium-speed accident, the lack of crumple zone will injure your officers at higher rates.

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The engineer was critiquing NC infrastructure

Well, good, a lot of North Carolina road infrastructure is dangerous bullshit, and members of the public shouldn't be stymied by state panels from pointing out that road deaths have been increasing in North Carolina, despite fewer vehicle miles traveled.

Congrats to every news outlet that covered this ambush hearing breathlessly, you've done exactly what House Republicans wanted you to do. The thin façade of pearl-clutching over anti-semitism, from a caucus that courts neo-Nazis, was utterly transparent. But they wanted to attack elite universities, and every news outlet gave them a megaphone and context-free coverage.

Journalists still haven't learned how to cover an extremist party that has no policy agenda and is only interested in culture wars and scoring political points.

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That article was charming! I like that guy, and I like his gaming ethos. Play what you like, there is no "best game," and you can find things to like in a lot of games.

Cool, I didn't know that existed.

But honestly, I want something like a 4-5" screen, what used to be normal, it would actually be a hand-sized device.

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I appreciate when ads say "Free to Play" up front so I know not to play it. (There may be a few exceptions here and there, but as a general rule, that has served me pretty well.)

Here's some background on the tensions and policies that have led to anti-avocado militias in some regions of Mexico:


ChatGPT is pretty crap branding too, for the record. They just somehow managed to mainstream it. All the LLMs after it try to have cooler names (Bard, Copilot, etc.) but the kludgy first name is still better known.

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If true, this is the most stereotypical Chinese company move ever.

I hope they focus on the fun. With that pedigree of devs, I think they'll get the balance good and have good maps, but that illusive fun factor needs to be there. (Like what the Torchlight devs did after some left the Diablo teams.)

Yep. sigh I guess I'll go replay Portal 2 again. It really is fantastic, I should be happy that we got it when we did.

I don't love the consolidation in this industry, but I know the big draw was the spectrum US Cellular holds.

Housing was out of reach for many Americans before interest rates went up. I don't think allowing an escape to mortgage rate lock-in is a bad idea, but state and municipal funding and financing and zoning reform would make more of a difference in the housing market.

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Native support. 👍 I haven't played it yet, but at this price I'll give it a try.

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I thought the allegations were that the Alitos were using the extra security officers given to them as part of the intimidation. Armed officers are always a danger.

Seconding AntennaPod, it's been my daily driver for years. Open source, good community, continual improvements.

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I like it fine, and I bet you could incorporate those design elements into a lot of cool merch, which is a nice rule-of-thumb for useful flags.

2014 phones also fit in my hand. I miss that size, you can't even find them now.

The Rock Hall is pretty loosey-goosey with its terms. Dolly Parton was inducted last year, which she gracefully ended up accepting only after promising to release a real rock album.

Which she did last month, by the way, and it slaps. Dolly forever.

Even where US military aid is brand-new material, the American military contractors are the ones profiting from it, spurring the American economy. It's almost more an economic shot in the arm than it is international aid.

Honestly, this is good advice. It's much better to keep personal computer activity on a personal device, whether that's on a ThinkPad or anything else.

I guess it's your business, if you want your bar to lose money, that's your choice.

Melinda > Bill

Easier said than done sometimes. That's the advantage of Ubuntu, Mint, etc. — they minimize the number of weird quirks you run into.

And T-Pain is awesome, so thanks, Cher!

(His cover of War Pigs from last year was pretty sweet.)


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Finally got around to Talos Principle (the first one) and it's as good as people said.

I also started playing some space battles in Empire at War on "Star Wars Day" (May the Fourth) and find that level of not-very-challenging RTS kind of soothing, so I'm back to playing that for a bit.

OG PvZ is perfection. I'd love to have more, but it never can hold up.