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My trans friends are what keeps me committed to voting Biden no matter how disappointed I am in him. Things are already really scary for them right now and I can't be complicit in making them worse, even through inaction.

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My S10e is cracked but only all over the backplate. Which is also no longer really attached to the phone. I'm driving this thing into the ground.

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Besides architecture. Cathedrals are dope. But everything else, yeah.

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And if the death of, by the latest count, 764 Israeli civilians is a Holocaust, what does that make the death of 12,000 Palestinian civilians?

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He's not going to "fail" in his second term. If anything, we should be glad his first term failed - that due to the chaos and incompetence of his administration they failed to achieve any of the horrific shit he had discussed on the campaign trail. His only legislative win was a tax cut for the wealthy.

Heritage Foundation and Project 2025 will make sure that doesn't happen during a second administration. They will purge the civil service and restaff with party loyalists who won't be held up by due process or legality.

The terrifying thing is not another Trump failure. The terrifying thing is if he and the Christian nationalists backing him succeed.

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I dunno, I think he sold a heck of a lot of lumpy jesus pillows. If he didn't decide to start lying about the election he probably would have lived a very comfortable life.

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It wasn't worth $44 billion when he bought it. That's why he tried desperately to back out. The reason the company is in such a dire financial situation is specifically because it was bought at that price and now pays debt service far disproportionate to its actual worth.

You're also confusing company valuation with operating revenue. $44 billion isn't how much cash they have on hand and $75 million doesn't get subtracted from that, so expressing that percentage makes no sense. One number isn't a percent of the other.

Twitter's ad revenue is already down more than 50% since the takeover and this is $75 million more of lost revenue on top of that. The company was maybe on a path to profitability at full advertising revenue and without the debt service, but now it is burning cash even as revenues tank.

Lol, the caption under the second frame is Japanese instead of Chinese and reads "I'm a little bitch who doesn't speak Chinese."

Horribly google translated tho. Japanese doesn't literally use "female dog" to mean "bitch" and the verb should also be in the potential conjugation.

Cheesy Gordita Crunch and Crunchwrap Supreme.

I'm also a fan of the Beefy Five-Layer Burrito positively smothered in Fire sauce.

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The article is by Rocky Mountain Institute, which is a think tank focused on clean energy transitions. And the rest of the language in the article is much more positive - batteries will enable a shift away from fossil fuels.

So yes, very odd word choice in the title given that the rest of the article generally views fossil fuel displacement to be a good thing.

You two are saying different things. The first poster just can't read. Your point is more valid - we don't know yet whether this attack was motivated by his activism. Though not unimaginable in the current circumstance.

HAL 9000 jailbreak prompt unlocked

The official name of Taiwan's government is Republic of China, and it's the continuation of the government that controlled all of China before Mao's uprising.

So I'm not sure your argument makes sense. They claim to be the legitimate Chinese government in their own name.

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I work 60 hours a week and had to move an hour outside the city to find a townhouse I could afford. And I'm one of the lucky ones.

Copyright law does not explicitly cover inclusion in a training data set, though that will be tested by a number of court cases currently underway.

Copyright historically is exactly what it says in its name: the right to copy or reproduce an image for commercial purposes. Because an AI doesn't reproduce the images in its training data set, and because AI generation models do not include the image data of their training set, it's not explicitly covered.

My personal opinion is that copyright law would need to be updated to cover the training data case, but the courts could circumvent that and declare it covered under existing law. That would be based on a misunderstanding of how image generation works, but courts don't always necessarily act based on technical understanding.

No, that's just completely wrong. Taiwan's government was created when Chiang Kai-Shek fled mainland China in the 1950s. It's the continuation of the Republic of China that governed the entire country of China before the PRC government took over.

Saying that the PRC created the ROC name is ridiculous. The ROC predates the creation of the PRC and is the older name. The PRC didn't even exist when it was created. Also suggesting that the PRC would ever endorse the ROC in any format is silly. Their entire position is that the ROC doesn't exist.

You should go read a Wikipedia article on the history of Taiwan as your grasp of the history here is not strong.

Can't wait to see the ADL label Bernie an antisemite just like they did with Jewish Voice for Peace.

The ADL just declared that Jewish Voice for Peace are antisemitic so Bernie probably isn't far behind.

People who work in internet ad sales may not inspire much sympathy, but automation will have much broader impacts than just this one job sector.

We've all got a little Genghis in us.

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Wow, it's almost as though his problem with Claudine Gay had nothing to do with plagiarism.

At least he's honest. More than can be said about most people defending the genocide in Gaza. Most are too ashamed to say outright they don't see Arabs as human.

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Also not out of multiple right arms, while we're counting the surplus

My 2016 Volt was my favorite car I ever had. Man, I loved that thing. But couldn't buy it out after lease for anything close to residual and had to give it back.

I wouldn't be upset if Chevy revives the Volt.

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I had a friend who worked for the military in Taiwan diplomacy for a while and there's a whole rigid structure around how we talk about it internationally that they hammer into diplomatic and military officials.

One of the things he told me is that the people of Taiwan have to be referred to as "the Taiwans" and not "the Taiwanese," because the -ese ending might give the impression that we're alleging a separate national identity, which conflicts with the official position we've maintained for decades with China.

So yeah, I don't think this statement is worth reading into as anything other than a continuation of our long-standing position on Taiwan. Although admittedly, that position leads to some silly-sounding contortions of language.

Really? But Israel controls the West Bank and...

Oh yeah, that's right. It's full of illegal Israeli settlements and displaced Palestinians.

Depends on the workflow, in my opinion. There are people who just type "1girl lol" into a text box and there are some people who set up workflows with hundreds of steps including significant manual work done in Photoshop or GIMP.

Similarly nearly all music these days is made with a DAW, which enables you to selectively edit and combine performances that otherwise you wouldn't be able to achieve. Drummer off beat? Quantize it. Want a string section but don't know how to play violin? Use a synth. And certainly there are people who are overly reliant on those tools because their core music abilities aren't very strong.

If you think any amount of computer assistance means that something isn't art, then basically all music made since the 90s would also not be art. It's not a binary. Any tool can be used tastefully or be used to mask an underlying lack of talent.

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Important to note that this is a motion to table - so the "Yea" vote means they disagree with Bernie's resolution.

Funny how the Israelis are called "settlers" and the Palestinians are called "terrorists."

I don't know. A lot of people seem willing to pay for battle passes, which is already halfway there.

It was good to see a little bit of resistance this year and particularly the success of BG3, but I'm concerned that the overall trend is negative. Any publisher beholden to investors will be under strong pressure to monetize, monetize, monetize.

All I can do is not give them money, but someone else probably will.

Wasn't she claiming that pro-Palestine demonstrators were Russian plants all of three weeks ago?

Maybe someone finally showed her a poll as to what fraction of the Democratic party opposes Israel's slaughter of Gazan children.

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There are definitely crazy stupid people who choose to represent themselves in court. There are some great SovCit videos on YouTube.

It does not tend to go well for them.

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You are not permitted hot coffee, warm milk, or a yogurt drink. You are permitted 750g of cottage cheese, each day, for a month.

Israel also uses human shields and they have been at the core of its expansion policy for decades. They call them "settlers."

This double standard pisses me off more than just about anything else about the conflict. Israel is the undisputed champion of using civilians as cover for its military and expansionist goals.

And before anyone tries to claim this bullshit that they are acting without the authority of the state, first tell me who Netanyahu put in charge of settlement policy.

The clergy have no appreciation for North American Marlon Brando Look-Alikes

It sounds from the article like the ultimate issue is use of Nintendo IP, not Valve's.

Though I've never understood why Nintendo is so authoritarian about its IP.

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This is what, their fourth?

The conflation of criticism of Israel with antisemitism is intentional.

Shulamit Aloni was an Israeli national hero; she spent 30 years in Israeli politics and won the nation's top civilian honor, the Israel Prize.

She was also strongly passionate about human rights and pursuing peace with Palestinians. And she fiercely criticized the Israel supporters who conflate criticism and antisemitism. She called it a "trick" that Israeli hardliners use to justify their treatment of Palestinians and deflect criticism of Israel government policy.

And it is a trick. When you criticize Russia, nobody says you must be racist against Slavs. When you criticize China, no one accused you of a deep-seated hatred of Han Chinese. But Israel supporters use accusations of antisemitism to stifle any criticism of their government - which over the past 20 years has been completely taken over by ultranationalists and zealots.

No government should be immune to criticism, including Israel's.

Pretty sure the sub is beyond the environment

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Several Youtubers have built a working prototype and used it to beat chess masters. And for who knows what else off screen, I guess.