GOP Congressman Says Dead Palestinian Babies Aren’t All That Innocent to Not The – 377 points –
GOP Congressman Says Dead Palestinian Babies Aren’t All That Innocent

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At least he's honest. More than can be said about most people defending the genocide in Gaza. Most are too ashamed to say outright they don't see Arabs as human.

We don’t need them to be honest to know that they’re garbage humans. We need them to stop being garbage humans. More importantly, we need a way to stop them from doing harm.

Don’t get distracted by praising them just because they took the mask off. They don’t deserve praise for that, praise for being openly monstrous. If anything, this is the time to call them out more loudly for not even making the effort to hide it.

We need them to stop being garbage humans.

Not very likely, short of sending them on a one-way trip to Mars. Then they become human garbage instead.