7 Post – 86 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Installed Godot yesterday and it's starting to grow on me, I like it. Looking forward to a huge movement of studios over to Godot, which will hopefully speed up the development of Godot through further support. Is there any reliable source of data about which game engines are popular at the moment? I want to see that sweet sweet decline in Unity user base over to Godot.

7 more...

Installed Godot yesterday and it's starting to grow on me, I like it. Looking forward to a huge movement of studios over to Godot, which will hopefully speed up the development of Godot through further support. Is there any reliable source of data about which game engines are popular at the moment? I want to see that sweet sweet decline in Unity user base over to Godot.

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We've made a full circle, haven't we?

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That's impressive and amazing. Let's hope they will put it to good use and speed up the development.

I know a version with a graphics designer. They designed something in 10 minutes and asked 1000 USD for it. When confronted on why it is so expensive for just 10 minutes of work, the answer is that it's not just the 10 minutes of work, but also the 10 years of experience that lead to this 10 minutes of work.

If they started with that proposal 2 weeks ago, there would be no drama at all. I hope studios will stand by their words and will not continue to collaborate with Unity in the future.

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This is bonkers. Just include it in the price... I would definitely refuse it and have done it one time, when it was not clearly stated in the menu that service will be added. The waiter claimed it is "a standard fee". No, it's not and should never be.

He already knew a long time ago that this ship is sinking... What a pity, time to learn Godot.

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Podlasie in Poland, definitely. My friend's parents have both the same maiden name despite not being closely related. Their whole village has basically the same surname.

Japanese carrier K-Line is also experimenting with kite-like technology, interestingly also claiming about 20% of fuel consumption reduction.

I'm excited to see these sails or kites in person. It just makes sense to harness that wind energy back.

People kill themselves over much more mundane things than this. I think you overestimate teenagers unfortunately, not everyone can handle it as lightly as you would. Telling people to just "shake it off" will simply not work most of the time.

I enjoy C#. Learned it through game development in Unity.

Currently learning GDScript, because reasons... It's easy and simple, but I still prefer C# though, I'm not a fan of dynamic languages.

He didn't say a word about Jews, how's that antisemitic? Israel country does not equal Jewish people.

With a record breaking turnover of about 73%. That's astonishing, shows a true power of democracy. Brawo Polacy!

Reading the title my tiny brain assumed he traveled to a Saturn's moon and died there. I was confused for a second.

What if you don't feel that tired the whole night? Would you not sleep and go to work after that sleepless night?

It's technically Epic, not Unreal Engine, who gave the award. I'm being pedantic, sorry. Nonetheless, it is super interesting they are supporting Godot. They know their tools are on completely different levels and they are not direct competitors. Supporting Godot helps them remove Unity from the game, which already is more of a direct competitor than Godot. Open source is the future, and I'm happy to switch to Godot and support them.

I did this several times and never got a proper reply. They say stuff like "It depends on the person and is calculated individually". You can't really argue over that unless you're willing to be very pushy or just straight up walk away from the table - which is something you don't want to do in most cases.

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Not everyone's opportunities are the same. If you can afford to be pushy and can afford to walk away, then sure - do that. However, I personally would not put the whole opportunity on the line and walk away just because a recruiter won't tell me a range. In my last interview they didn't give me any range, while I gave them my expectation, which was a bit inflated, and they just accepted my offer. Could I get more if I knew the range? Probably. But I can't be mad at them, as they matched my expectation. And I enjoy the job so far.

It all depends on the situation, as you also mentioned. I'm just arguing that saying "walk away if they don't tell you a range" is a bit of an exaggeration and might do more harm to some people than good.

29, Poland/Germany. Yes, like almost everyone in Europe. Although, it is getting more popular to be automatic-only. I like driving manual, however prefer automatic due to convenience of it. I don't have a car at the moment (public transport serves me well), but if I had, I'd go for automatic.

I want to start with this: I am sorry.

If that's not an apology, then I don't know what is. I'm not defending them by any means, I've moved my projects away from Unity over to Godot already and am not planning to go back. But you can't argue they haven't apologized. If they proposed their fees in this form right from the beginning, there would probably be no drama at all.

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Installed Godot yesterday and it's starting to grow on me, I like it. Looking forward to a huge movement of studios over to Godot, which will hopefully speed up the development of Godot through further support. Is there any reliable source of data about which game engines are popular at the moment? I want to see that sweet sweet decline in Unity user base over to Godot.

I got just about 60% by switching the company. Previously biggest bump that I got internally was about 30%, when I put an ultimatum on the table. Without the ultimatum I'd probably get like 10% max. It's always either switching the job or the threat of switching the job that will make them pay.

Simply yes. Not going back

Sorry for my ignorance, but what does this AMP do and why is it important to remove it? Is it a referral link or something?

Doesn't really exist in the Slavic countries, so I wouldn't say it's universal.


Chill, don't be upset... we're all civil here. I'm talking about a situation where someone shares their salary e.g. here on Lemmy. Then you'd have no clue what's their country and what's the currency they mean. There are plenty of other examples where currency is not obvious if you don't state it clearly, or have enough context to know it from that.

What are you talking about?

We're on the Internet, how should anyone know what's "your" currency?

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Super interesting to see that. Didn't expect Python to have such a lead, but it is understandable.

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Not that we know of. There was also nothing mentioned on the invitation. We'll most likely just ask them as some has suggested.

Definitely we'll think of something Polish, thanks for the suggestion!

I am by no means gadget shaming, don't get me wrong. It's just I do all you mentioned there with a stopwatch on my phone, and personally I would never consider buying a dedicated stopwatch for this purpose. I'm happy you're enjoying yours though, may it last you long!

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How do you know it's your password if all you see is astrisks?

Nope, I don't think it matters that much. I never had an issue with acting as usual, without exaggerating my "human behavior".

Working in logistics I asked my boss a few weeks ago to which of our internal geo clusters does Russia belong to, and he replied exactly "to the fuck 'em cluster". Happily agreed with that statement.

I'm afraid that as long as you have to go to github and run such scripts for these things, Lemmy will stay a nerd-only place.

Not everyone has an opportunity to work with Python in their work environment. I'm on the "business" side of the company, capable of doing most of programming stuff myself (Python, C#, SQL, etc.), whereas only "IT" people can work with the proper compileable code. And I'm left out working with VBA macros, or ask IT to write a script for me, which will take 1 year to develop. This change now will improve my local productivity for sure.

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You might want to join the !

I personally haven't tried the ergonomic keyboards yet, have been using Ducky One 2 for a few years and recently got KBDcraft Kit Adam (Lego keyboard) and I'm enjoying this one, super soft and nice sounding switches. From the ergonomic keyboards I've seen Keychron K11 Pro as an interesting one, but you'd have to see if it fits you, I can't really recommend any myself.