US intelligence report alleging Russia election interference shared with 100 countries to World – 580 points –
US intelligence report alleging Russia election interference shared with 100 countries

The United States on Friday released a U.S. intelligence assessment sent to more than 100 countries that found Moscow is using spies, social media and Russian state-run media to erode public faith in the integrity of democratic elections worldwide.

"This is a global phenomenon," said the assessment. "Our information indicates that senior Russian government officials, including the Kremlin, see value in this type of influence operation and perceive it to be effective."

A senior State Department official, briefing reporters on condition of anonymity, said that Russia was encouraged to intensify its election influence operations by its success in amplifying disinformation about the 2020 U.S. election and the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Okay so now your are making a counter point. You're saying hypocrisy invalidates A point. You're saying that if I live in a country that does shitty things that I can't criticize shitty things another country has done?

But countries aren't people. They're closer to corporations. I can criticize Pepsi while working at Coke. I don't give a shit about either countries or corps beyond the people they employ

It worked. The Russians won again.

Nah, you won. I can't even remember what the original article was about now.

Can we at least agree that the US and Russia are both police states, and that those are two bad things that need to change?

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