America needs a bigger, better bureaucracy

BeautifulMind ♾️ to politics – 152 points –
America needs a bigger, better bureaucracy

It might be a controversial take, sure, but the linked article/post makes a pretty thoughtful case for the benefits of having functional state capacity vs. outsourcing or just not having it


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Why did they use a still from 'Everything Everywhere All At Once'?

This is a picture of Deirdre Beaubeirdre, a character from the comedy sci-fi movie Everything Everywhere All At Once — an IRS auditor who hounds the immigrant protagonists mercilessly. I loved that movie, but I also thought Deirdre’s character was emblematic of a common and unhelpful way that Americans tend to think about the civil service.

Well it's a clear example.of bureaucracy tbh. And it's funny specially with those trophies back there.