Microsoft’s CEO say it’s ‘doubling down’ on being a game producer and publisher | VGC to – 119 points –
Microsoft’s CEO say it’s ‘doubling down’ on being a game producer and publisher | VGC

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Can’t agree more. I don’t think there’s a studio under MS that’s done better under their leadership/portfolio than they’d done prior to their acquisition. The studios created to shepherd Xbox franchises that original studios move on from generally have never matched the highs previously seen either.

I also don’t appreciate them hoovering up franchises, via acquisitions whilst failing to develop much new that’s if any note. All it does is condemn a growing back catalogue to mediocrity or have them disappear into the vault.

Sony aren’t perfect but their studios tend to produce top tier games that look and feel like they’re a tier above most, making the most of their “exclusivity”. Most (all?) their major releases are their own franchises developed in house too, and it feels like there’s a steadier turn out of new, quality IP to boot.

You don't get it, though. Microsoft will put everything on Gamepass. Sony fanboys can suck on that!

Ignore the fact that them buying-up all these studios is objectively bad for our hobby and the industry, and that Gamepass has been touted as being objectively bad by everyone in the industry because studios receive a minuscule amount of revenue from it and that it disadvantages indie devs.

The only thing that matters here is that my metaphorical sports team beats your metaphorical sports team.

I’m biased, but I have a trial to PC Gamepass and don’t find it better than PlayStation Extra.