Ukraine Draws Breath After Southern Successes, Defense Expert Says to – 79 points –
Ukraine Draws Breath After Southern Successes

"Europeans must take serious and sustained action against rampant sanctions evasion by European companies contributing to arms production in Russia," writes Nico Lange is a Senior Fellow at the Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA). "Sanctions need to be made watertight, and companies that continue to supply Russia through Central Asian states or China should be severely punished."


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In any scenario Russia cannot be allowed to win.

Should they succeed in Ukraine, they will continue their aggressive and brutal expansionism and try to spread the horror that is "Russki Mir" across the Eastern Europe.

So yes, we fucking do care.

It's a textbook troll. Check his profile

Its just like ww2 except czechoslovakia is ukraine and you know who poland would be this time. poland.