Kick tankies out of 196 to – 1514 points –

Remember kids, Tankies wants to undermine democracy - same as facists.


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Bro what, if we can stop leftist infighting for one fucking minute that would be great. We all have 90% of the same goals so how about we work on that and not build artificial walls to those to the left of us. Also being pro western „democracy“ is cringe.

"Let's stop leftist infighting"

"Also, fuck the democracy most of you support"

Least self-contradictory tankie.

Do you seriously think that for example the USAs democracy represents the will of the people? Democratic representation does not mean capitalistic multi party system that’s not how you measure democracy.

Tankie "try not to make any discussion about the United States" challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

Tankie “try not to make any discussion about the United States” challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)

I mean commies talking about the US has been a thing since, well, ever

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