Noise issues, overload and... breakcore? to – 59 points –

Okay, so this is weird.

I seriously don't do loud environments. My speech discrimination goes to shit with a bunch of background noise, and if I get into overly-spiky crowd noise (eg. loud bars / parties, with everyone yelling over each other and echoing off the walls), I rapidly overload and need to GTFO before I break down.

So why in the purple fuck is frantic glitchy breakcore the most soothing thing in the universe?

I've been listening to stuff like femtanyl recently, and the more IYTGKIUFUYGLICGXJYUGJTYUFLIHFUYGKJKHJGHYTFTJGHFDYGFDJHCHTRF it gets, the more it feels like my brain is sinking into a warm bath. It's like brown noise, but moreso.

Tha heck is going on?

Anyone relate?


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I'm a neurotypical musican and this has got to be the most interesting thing I've heard all day. Out of curiosity, if the BPM and pace of the track is still high but the song has really soothing instruments (soft trumpets, harp, kalimba type stuff) or really harsh instruments (distorted guitars mixed with chainsaws), would the music still be soothing? I'm curious if their is a relation between the sound and calmness aswell as speed

In short, yes. Hot Chip has some pretty high tempo stuff that I'd still call smooth. As for harsh noises, NIN soothes the fuck out of me when I'm all wound up.

It's not a magic bullet though, some stuff can irritate the fuck out of me at times when usually I love it. shrugs mental illness is complex at times!

I would have never thought that NIN could be calming, to me some NIN stuff feels like I've got blood poisoning or something haha

I mean, they've got stuff that is incredibly jarring when I'm a bit wound up. But the higher intensity stuff is so good when I'm stressed. I sorta slip into the stream and shit just seems to "flow" better. Even if I'm trying to meditate a bit to bring down my anxiety. It sounds wild, but yeah, shit works.