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Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, I'm gonna take the peer reviewed studies results that show that ketamine is quite effective with relieving drug resistant depression over this post of yours...

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Er, you can still buy cds. Discogs, local B&Ms, Bandcamp, the artists own website. Source: I still buy em.

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No, they effect everyone. By publishing the mod, the creator told the world exactly how they feel about this subject. If it were the case as you put it, then they'd just create the mod and use it solely for themselves and not tell anyone. It's still despicable, but at least they aren't going to hurt anyone as no-one can stumble across it. Instead, they made a choice and the backlash they've received is a consequence of that choice.

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Australian here, I'm literally less than ten metres away from 2 rifles and a shotgun. Used for pest control, which is mostly eaten cos rabbit and goat is delicious. Haven't been bold enough to eat a fox yet. But yeah, they're there. Have been visited by the cops a couple of times over the years to make sure they're appropriately stored. Hell, you can even get a handgun here. The kicker is, you have to be a member of a gun club, regularly compete in competitions through said gun club, and the gun has to be stored at said gun club (although it can be transported from gun club to another venue for competition). So, yeah, they're out there, but they're heavily controlled. And we actually had an Olympic shotgun shooter get in shit a while back cos his gun was improperly stored in his car between competition and home. Nobody wants what happened in Port Arthur to happen ever again. Kids fucking died. That's fucked. How America didn't do something after Sandy Hook absolutely blows my mind...

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Please. Ask yourself why a publication with an unblemished five year record would choose for this to be the combo breaker.


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Nah, it's easy to imagine that. Multiplayer. The Nazi team wins. Swastikas everywhere. Pretty sure it's why cod no longer has swastikas in multiplayer anymore (and if I'm remembering rightly, they kept it in the single player as they felt it wasn't offensive as it is given with a hell of a lot of context that multiplayer rounds simply don't have).

Ketamine is garbage at everything besides temporarily lobotomizing people. It works for it's many uses because it makes the user stupid. It's often given to suicidal people, not because it's a miracle drug, but because it incapacitates them in a safe manner.

This quote from you contradicts what you've just said.

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We are, we upvoted it. Your harping on about another source is just noise. Go away.

"Thinking tactically"... You're literally some anonymous person on the internet. I guarantee you know dick all about how the secret service operate in these circumstances.

As for the "shoot to kill" comment, the secret service hasn't killed anyone in quite a while, yet they have shot a few. The evidence doesn't corroborate your stance.

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Doctor Oz is actually a doctor though, despite everything. Used to be one of the most respected cardiothoracic surgeons in the world. Then his tv show happened...

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I mean, the legal system usually does. There's been a bit of a shit fight as to who should pay, the state or Kim. Might boggle your mind more to know that she still had the position up until 2019...

*he made a living

Eh, I love structure. Cos I get dopamine from getting shit done. If I don't get that daily dopamine, I get sulky.

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It's a conspiracy theory, and not a particularly intelligent one. Us normies like to make jokes like this mocking people who believe it, but they do actually believe it and will come up with some batshit insane logic to support their theories.

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Hyperphantasia is the opposite.

The BPM on that femtanyl track is pretty high, high bpm music can help us ADHD patients. I find it soothing.

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No, they're not fucking. Cos of the code.

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It happened 2weeks ago, that's plenty of time for an investigation of some description to have occured. And reading elsewhere, it sounds like the gunman was subdued, then killed. And that certainly changes things.

Comparing two acts is the textbook definition of whataboutism.

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Nah, glasses don't have to be expensive. I notice literally no difference between pairs I've had that were over $400 and pairs that were $50. It's just shaped glass... And whilst I mostly agree with you on headphones, there are a very small number of manufacturers out there who are doing some fantastic budget headphones. The earbuds I use now cost me $40 and shit all over any others I've had (and have lab verified frequency response curves to prove they are legit too). Should add, that even though they are budget, some of their products can easily cost over $1k, but then they are emulating headphones that cost over $5k...

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They already render the prisoner unconcious when they administer the lethal injection. It's not 100% effective though, thus the search for a method that doesn't have the potential to horrify onlookers.

Because we've been fighting off having conditions imposed on us for generations now. The us government tried to enforce conditions on the drinking of alcohol a while back. Didn't go so well. Imposing restrictions in this regard has never worked. People have been trading copies for a very long time now. Hell, the BBC is calling for people to hand over their tapes of early doctor who episodes cos they have lost the originals, and those who have them are still wary of handing them over cos it goes against the very idea of why they made the copies in the first place. You'll also find that most pirates are spending way above the norm for media they love. Myself, I pirate a shit load of music. My biggest expense after rent is music, 90% of that going to digital and physical copies (I'd love to spend more on gigs but I can only to go to so many in a week). I literally spend more on it than I do on food and utilities.

5,000 disposable items usually fit in a box. Wanna guess how big that autoclave you'd need would be? Cos there ain't many pieces of medical equipment that you're gonna get away with just chucking it in a bucket of cleaner for 15mins. Cos, ya know, the chance of a patient dying due to equipment that is dirty is pretty fucking high in most permanent hospitals, let alone in a literal jungle. So, yeah, you're gonna need more than a bucket and a bottle of bleach.

Also, battlefield hospitals are generally well supplied. They might miss a shipment or two, but generally most will arrive. I mean, you have issues when a literal city is being besieged, but otherwise? They'll be fine. Can't really run an army without shit to patch up the inevitable bullet holes. Plus the patients need food and water too. All shit that ensures the mitary keeps their field hospitals as well supplied as they can.

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Where as I'm the converse, all I watch is tv these days. Will watch 10 movies a year, if that. I long the longer and stronger connection I can form with the characters over a tv season. And I did they can tell more elaborate stories with the longer time compared to a movie. Different strokes for different folks though.

On android, have premium, use the app a good amount, never encountered the issue you are reporting.

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I have. In various games. The annoying thing about this to me is that they didn't even hang around to watch the pretty fireball (cos, you know, "gravity"). That's like 95% of the reason for doing it.

Edit: actually, I bet there wasn't even a fireball cos real life physics aren't the same as game physics.

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For many people who have survived their attempts (and I mean suicide in general, not just jumping off this specific bridge), a lot of them say that they instantly regretted it the moment they passed the point of no return. Plus, these nets have been used on other similar hotspots, and whilst some people do just jump off of the net, the vast majority do not and there has been a sharp reduction in the number of deaths at these spots.

Pirates 2 had an $8million budget.

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You have literally been given a number of studies that show that masks are effective. Either shut the fuck up, or provide your own you giant moron... Oh, and no, saying "no valid studies" is not proof of anything. Nor is the YouTube video I just bet you're itching to reply with. Peer reviewed studies, like the ones already provided. We'll wait.

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And then the article itself is somehow even more insane.

Lack of evidence and testimony is what I've heard.

Britain's knife crime rate is lower than the US' knife crime rate.

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It kinda is. The dude could probably take out your lungs and heart with his eyes closed. But he got corrupted.

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Don't stop taking it. Yes, you are having adverse side effects, but some meds are real hard to go cold turkey with them. It sucks, but stick with it until you can see your GP (gonna agree with everyone here saying see your GP instead of waiting for a psych, your gp may not be an expert in this field, but they're gonna be able to at least get you through this til you can see a psychiatrist etc).

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No, which is why they said "before". Which is probably fair, cos some gronk is gonna say something heinous along those lines. It's 2023, welcome to hell.

Yeah, and it was an ongoing issue with Reddit. Probably still is. Sure, small, niche subreddits that had active moderation were generally free of the scourge. But it was quite a common phenomenon across the site, in my experience.

Lol, 10s on your profile says exactly why you think this way. Good luck getting through life so full of hate.

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Yeah but if you aren't influential enough to get away with it, they'll fuck you with a barb wired bat. Sideways.

Nah, Samsung didn't ruin their phones, carriers in the US did. Don't have any of that bloatware or ads on em down here in Australia. That being said, there are other reasons to avoid Samsung...

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