YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views to Not The – 348 points –
YouTuber Trevor Jacob jailed after crashing plane for views

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I have. In various games. The annoying thing about this to me is that they didn't even hang around to watch the pretty fireball (cos, you know, "gravity"). That's like 95% of the reason for doing it.

Edit: actually, I bet there wasn't even a fireball cos real life physics aren't the same as game physics.

There was no fireball, he probably had just a small amount of fuel and shut off the valves before bailing, but we don't know because he had the plane helilifted out and destroyed, destroying the evidence. In his video he went to the plane after to get his gopros, and it's just kinda smushed. If there was a fireball it probably would have started a wildfire, which is part of the reason he's going to jail.

Also these kinds of planes tend to keep more or less stable when not given input due to their design. So no dramatic nosedive, probably just steadily dropped altitude as it lost speed.

Some other pilot pointed out it looks like he fucked the trim all up before jumping out so it would spiral

Yeah, reality is pretty mid tbh. Ridiculously unbalanced too.

The "Billionaire" and "Idiot Zealot" classes really need to be nerfed yesterday!

I just want the ability to respec I put my points into idiot zealot all wrong and now I fart bubbles all day