In Ukraine, an autonomous drone was created to search for mines. It's equipped with a metal detector and sensors that allow it to fly around obstacles. to – 168 points –

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What a good idea! Night time recon of minefield, map them all and then plan the assault I guess. Wonder how effective these really are. After all, Russia could start using something similar, too.

That has quite a bit of limitations for that kind of use. Data logged can vary even several meters (as I assume it's GPS based) and I don't think it can differentiate between a mine and any other shrapnel laying around. What it can do is go trough fields quickly and offer coordinates for people to go in and manually verify & clean the area so they get at least a majority of things cleaned up faster than having boots on the ground sweeping every square meter manually.

And if that kind of drone was widely used to map out routes for tanks and other equipment it would offer an option to create artificial path and bury in C4 or some other explosive in the way which is invisible to metal detector.

Augmented GPS can offer much better resolution, reliably on the order of a few Decimetres, if you have a reference receiver/transmitter with precisely known location nearby. GPS has very clever tricks up its sleeve if you know how to use them (which I assume the AFU do).