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Joined 1 years ago

A switch. There are a handful of good games but I prefer to play on my computer

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Its rubbish and we should just stay in summertime. Yet another daylight hour stolen in the evening

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I completely agree with you and am happy that my employer peddled back when the decided we should all come back to the office. Going to the office has many more negatives than benefits for everyone. I sadly learned that a lot of local city councils give incentives and tax breaks for companies to bring back the people so they can stimulate the local economy by eating the unhealthy shit that we can usually find around offices and be stuck in traffic for an hour.

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What court? Nothing ever happens, he has been pulling these stunts for so many years now. Consequences are almost nil

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I sometimes use AliExpress for DIY electronics like microcontrollers and other components. An Esp32 usually costs around 8-12 euros in Europe. On AliExpress I buy them for 3 (plus shipping). Its worth it if you are buying more than just a few. Shipping is usually slow but if its not urgent its cheap and so far of good/ decent quality.

I did also buy a small industrial camera on there which did not work. I contacted the seller and after some troubleshooting they agreed to ship a new camera to me (still waiting on that one) but in principle I am satisfied with the service for the price I payed.

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In the morning and while I am at work I don’t really care for the conditions outside. By 8 its daylight here no matter the summer or wintertime. But what I care for is going outside in the evening, doing sports in the forest, go cycling and enjoy nature. Its hard doing that when it is dark when I finish working. Other geographic regions might prefer winter time, I personally prefer sommertime

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This sentencing is so non-sense because it rather shows how the legislation for scientific samples is often not really there or sensible.

During my PhD I was working on rather obscure marine invertebrate animals called Bryozoan. To any normal person they look like some algea or plant matter. I had to collect live specimens and transport them from one European country to another by airplane. If I would follow proper procedure I would need a vet check the health status of the animals at departure and arrival. No vet ever has looked at a bryozoan much less has any clue on how to access their health. So the conclusion was to simply throw them in a cooler and hand this in as the luggage. When asked whats in the cooler I just said „mostly water“.

Almost everyone in the academic community would frequently transport DNA, RNA, Antibodies, Animals and other unique samples by just placing it in the luggage. There is hardly any real alternative in an industry that is strapped for money (basic research is almost always poor)

There is a nice easter egg on the page, it has to do with the crowbar at the bottom!

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Which means nothing and I will still wait for actual reviews after the release

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Listening to bedtime stories, well now its audiobooks but its just the best way to fall asleep

Maybe I am reading this wrong but it looks grim. Downward trends all around

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What a good idea! Night time recon of minefield, map them all and then plan the assault I guess. Wonder how effective these really are. After all, Russia could start using something similar, too.

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Whats so revolutionary? Stromatolites have been found 3.4 billion years ago from Australia. How is this “unknown prehistoric world”… clickbait is all it is without much content

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The pain gunner was so unique and fun to play

Will not be cheater invested like normal eft, surely not

Why should they do that?

Its cool tech but far from Consumer hands. While open source its also rather expensive to build (at least for end users). The projector costs more than 2k and the rotating platform is almost 1k. Other parts I did not check :)

If it would be 1k or so I would build one

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I really like our little boardgame community over at !boardgames@feddit.de

(Of course I am biased)

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Still need to get my hands on wingspan but. I heard good things!

Hmmm… I never worked nights. When I was younger I would stay up all night but this has since changed and I am much more an early riser. I just lived in Norway for 7 years when the sun would rise at 11 and set at 3pm in the winter. So when it comes down to it, if I can choose when to have an extra hour of daylight, its when I can use it.

Dude, while stromatolites are not common today, they are not unheard of. There are still some active ones in Australia, Peru and the Bahamas. Every single thing on this planet can trace a direct line from the first live when it evolved. Thus, everything on this planet has the same age. Even if a fossil could suggest that some organism has not changed much for millions of years, we can not look at the cells and their genetic makeup to infer if other significant changes have occurred not reflected by the fossil remains.

Oh for sure super useful. But when he said its open source I was ready to start building this thing. But 5k+ in total build costs is a bit steep for me.

Thats his point. No need for genocide if other options are available. Many many Germans supported the Nazis and denazification after ww2 was a thing

"unknown prehistoric world" sounds like a major discovery. If the title of the article would have been "stromatolites discovered in remote lagoon from 1 billion years ago" it would not have implied that some new "world" was discovered. If by world we just mean unknown habitats, well voila, everywhere you look there will be unknown prehistoric worlds. Find a fossil of some super known, cosmopolitan species but in a new place, voila, new world yet unknown to men discovered. Idiotic.