As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies to World – 76 points –
As Gazans Scrounge for Food and Water, Hamas Sits on a Rich Trove of Supplies

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Key thing is that the shortages in Gaza are a direct result of Hamas deciding to stockpile food, water, and fuel, and munitions in order to kill, rather than making sure everybody has enough.


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Pretty cynical when Hamas and Islamic Jihad could release the hostages and surrender and end all the fighting instead of giving people a choice over how they die

end all the fighting

So, you're saying there was no problem prior to Oct. 7.

Hamas has been a problem for a long time

And Netanyahu's government has purposefully been legitimizing Hamas and undermining the PLO"s authority for just as long. Netanyahu does not want peace, he wants terrorists in control of Palestinian territories so he can justify brutality and conflict.

This is a complex issue that goes back many decades, Israel blatantly is trying to convince the world that "Hamas = Palestinians = bad" and "Support for the Palestinian people = anti-Semitism," but the reality is Israel's hands, particularly under Netanyahu, are not clean of this

Netanyahu looks to lose the next Israeli election. Hamas doesn't bother holding them

What stops Israel from doing a deal by offering to remove settlers from the West Bank?

Mostly concern that it weakens their position militarily. Get a genuine willingness for peace from a posr-Hamas Palestinain government and some sort of land-for-peace becomes thinkable

Do you mean weakens the Hamas position militarily? Or do you mean weakens the Israeli position militarily?

I understand WB is Fatah controlled who are more inclined towards a 2SS which is why Bibi supported Hamas (until it backfired on Oct 7).

I also read a Reddit comment about how taking land from settlers and returning it to Palestinians would make the border larger and Israel more vulnerable but I don't understand how that is so.

Total return weakens Israel. Basically because it leaves the country as a fairly narrow strip that's easily cut apart in an attack.

Getting land in the west Bank returned means significant security concessions from whatever government is left. Last time this was tried it led to Hamas winning an election

Hamas won an election in the West Bank?

Doesn't explain taking over Palestinian houses in the West Bank.

Ideological groups usually put increasing their following, before the wellbeing of those who don't follow them.