Star Engine Tech Demo (Star Citizen 4.0) No Commentary CitizenCon 2953 4K

Sea of to – 101 points –
Star Engine Tech Demo (Star Citizen 4.0) No Commentary CitizenCon 2953 4K

Since I haven't seen anyone post this, I thought I'd share the new Star Engine demo video from Cloud Imperium Games.


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Spending more than a basic access package is absolute stupidity and those that do it and regret it have no one to blame but themselves. I spent $45 dollars and play the exact same game and can buy most of those expensive ships with in game money after a few days of playing.

I have had hundreds of hours of great times in Star Citizen. Your anecdotal experience and very emotional hatred for this project because of your own bad financial choices doesn't make my good experience, the most common experience, untrue. The massive, growing number of active users trumps your loud minoroty's passionate hatered. Hatered 100% based on hot, salty tears because you wasted your own money on pretend spaceships like a spoiled child, not based on an objective look at things. You were 100% informed about the realities of this project, you just ignored it. I know this because I've been following it too and didn't spend buckets of money on a videogame that isn't even done yet. Because that would be really irresponsible of me.

This game keeps making money and keeps adding more users. This is because it is fun to play for more people than not. Otherwise they would be failing after this many years. Grow up, get a life, focus on games you like, ignore the ones you don't like a healthy adult. Don't spend money on speculative projects if you don't want the project to change, caveats have been everywhere saying as much since day one. The only person that lied to you was you.

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