No politics inteded: Why isn't Trump after leaving office in any way or shape involved in politics say as member of congress or senate? to Ask – 533 points –

I know that after you leave office as POTUS it is some sort of unwritten rule that you withdraw from politics.

Why did Trump not withdraw?

Also why isn't he a senator or congressman during Biden's term?


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You can't say "no politics intended" and then directly discuss politics. The answer will invariably include politics.

Trump didn't want to be a politician. He wanted to be president. Being a senator or congressman is a job, but being president is a mark of prestige. If he can become president again, he will, because it makes him look good. There's no point for him in taking a lower position with less power.

Are you looking at this picture, reading this post and then attempting to seriously debate the author on the merits of their argument of no-politics "inteded"?

All excellent points except he has a real dire agenda if he is president again and it’s not just to make him look good.

When people say "no pun intended," it is always right after they've made a completely intentional pun.

When a person says "no offense [intended], but," it is always right before they say something intentionally offensive.

What I'm saying is that maybe this grammar "no X intended" doesn't actually mean that literally they don't intend X, but instead that they want to lessen their culpability for exactly intending X.

You are right, but what I meant was, that I didn't ask from a political point of view, just wanted to understand from a technical point of view. Like I understand that once you have been president you retire. But trump didnt retire. So since he is continuing on, why in the meantime isn't he in congress or senate?

I thought obama, bush, clinton are just not in senate or congress because they were president, following the unwritten rule.

So since trump didnt retire why isnt he in congress or the senate. I think he would have gotten a vote in florida or other such states.

yeah but what you say makes sense, so it is just to do with trumps personality profile...