1 Post – 159 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Power does not corrupt. It reveals. If you have the power to do whatever you want, it becomes apparent what you wanted to do. If having this power makes you do evil deeds, it means you already wanted to do evil deeds but lacked the power to.

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Social Anxiety Survival Horror. You're a guy at a friend's party trying to avoid conversations while putting in an appearance with your friend so they know you were here. You can deflect conversations with small talk you pick up by eavesdropping, but it won't work on drunk people, so you also need to run and hide. Your ex-partner eventually shows up and is hunting you down to have a frank conversation about your relationship, which is instant game over.

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The answer is egg, because egg-laying creatures predate the chicken.

If we count it as a chicken egg only, then it depends on if you describe a chicken egg as "an egg laid by a chicken" or "an egg that could hatch into a chicken".

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Every single time someone makes a post with this opinion, they're either a Nazi or a Nazi apologist. They don't want discourse, they just don't like it when people tell them to shut up. It makes it hard to take their arguments seriously because I know they're just excuses.

Lo and behold, you have a downvoted comment in your recent history where you argue Nazis should be allowed a safe space to talk in. The pattern continues.

Criticism is a part of public discourse as much as approval is. People who allow positive responses freely but put walls in the way of criticism tend to be the ones trying to silence all forms of criticism. They want a positive feedback loop so they can pretend people agree with them. Some people need to be told to shut up quickly and decisively.

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I don't know for certain if he deserves it or not, but this guy will always be known as the guy accused of using a buttplug to cheat at chess. There's no escaping it at this point.

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You can't say "no politics intended" and then directly discuss politics. The answer will invariably include politics.

Trump didn't want to be a politician. He wanted to be president. Being a senator or congressman is a job, but being president is a mark of prestige. If he can become president again, he will, because it makes him look good. There's no point for him in taking a lower position with less power.

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The Unexpected Hanging Paradox: A man is sentenced to death, but the judge decides to have a little fun with it. The man will be killed at noon on a day of the judge's choosing in the next week, from Monday to Friday. The only stipulation is that the man will not expect it when he's called to be killed.

The man does some quick logic in his head. If Friday is the last day he could be killed, then if he makes it to Friday without dying, he knows he must die on that day. And since that wouldn't be a surprise, he cannot be killed on Friday.

He then extends the logic. Since he can't be killed on Friday, the last day he can be killed is on Thursday. Thus, all the prior logic regarding Friday applies, and he cannot be killed on Thursday either. This then extends to Wednesday, then Tuesday, and then Monday. At the end, he grins with the knowledge that, through logic, he knows he cannot be killed on any of the days, and will therefore not be killed.

Therefore, the man is astonished when he's called to be killed on Wednesday.

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You might be able to streamline the process by saying "fears of World War III" and letting them fill in the gaps themselves.

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You keep asking this question, we keep saying no, and then you ask it again with LESS money on offer. You don't get how haggling works, and you definitely don't get how asklemmy questions work.

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OP has been in a lengthy struggle with the world over media. They swore off manga previously due to "christian morals" and the fact that Zombieland Saga contained zombies, then got back into it because of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and now it seems they've hit another block within the last month.

And it's not just manga. They've also had an issue with Wikipedia.

None. Is this an American thing or something? I have never had this happen, or even heard of it happening except in America. It seems so weird to me to applaud people who can't hear you.

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Nothing would change and you know it.

I wish the genie is so bad at curses that everyone always enjoys being cursed by them.

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One of the most popular mods for Dragon Age: Origins is a mod that lets you skip the fade section of the game. So that's a pretty good indication of how people feel about it.

It takes about 8 to 12 hours to drive across Texas, which is longer than it takes to cross Germany. France and Germany have different laws, and so do Texas and New Mexico. Once you realise that the USA is essentially 50 different countries stapled together, it makes a lot more sense.

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"He's at the Hilton!" "Well then, let's go there!" "I dunno, it doesn't sound great. This guy only ranked it 2 stars, and apparently it really hates cops."

I think OP might have a skewed opinion of the centre.

There's a thing called the Abilene paradox. A family is hanging out when one of the suggests having dinner in Abilene. It's a hot day and a long drive, but nobody wants to be left out, so they all agree. After a terrible dinner, they all reveal their frustrations at the event when the person who suggested it notes that it was the first thing they thought of, as they thought everyone else was bored.

Thus, everyone sits in wonder at how they all convinced each other to do something nobody among them wanted to do.

It's fun how often that includes hanging out with someone.

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Care to give an example of a movie that does this?

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For me, it's just math. The odds of things getting better if I try may be low, but the odds if I don't are even lower. I'll take the higher odds every time.

For you, have you considered spite? Live the best life you can to prove wrong everyone who tried to stop you, and do as much good in the world as you can so those trying to do evil have to try just that little bit harder. It only takes one good hit to ruin a superior opponent's perfect game, and you can only get that hit if you keep playing.

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I would say yes. Plants feed off of the bodies of dead lions according to this animated documentary I saw, and that doesn't make them any less vegan. Then again, I'm not a vegan, so I might be entirely wrong.

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Open a wine bottle, maybe? Put the corkscrew to use.

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Bathos. That's Bathos. Interrupting something serious to ridicule it. It's been a trope since the 18th century, and it's definitely not just a "leftist" trope. It's also NOT the only type of joke in left-wing media, or the only types of jokes in those specific movies. Most of Deadpool is pop culture references, for example.

Predict the future, I guess. I just looked at the onion website, so I'm pretty sure I know the news headlines for the next week.

I get your point, but I will say the Captain America scene isn't completely out of the realm of possibility. Cap weighs the helicopter down for a few seconds, and grabs a support beam for the helipad as soon as he can. If Cap can keep a grip on both the beam and the helicopter, then the propellers will only lift him if either Cap or the support beams break.

Of course, whether he should have had that much effect on the helicopter for those first few seconds is another matter entirely and I'm not enough of a physicist to make that call.

The first time Heinrich Kramer tries to show someone the Malleus Maleficarum, I appear directly in front of him and set the book on fire. Not only is the book destroyed, but a clearly supernatural event took place to put the fear of god into him. Bam. No witch trials.

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I think they're under the unfortunate delusion they're being funny.

Warner Bros didn't want to make the Hobbit. They wanted to make another Lord of the Rings movie, and had to use the Hobbit for it. The Hobbit is very much NOT a Lord of the Rings story, despite the shared setting. Square book, round movie.

Also, they knew there wasn't enough content, but Warner Bros had to split the profits of the first movie five ways. They didn't have to do that for the second movie, and then they added a third to squeeze out even more.

National Novel Writing Month. It's an event where people try to write a novel in a month.

Holy fuck, that article is elitist. Half of the sections seem pointlessly mean, like they're trying to dunk on them to win popularity points. One of them is just insulting Chad Kroeger for marrying Avril Lavigne, as if a 10+ year marriage is a bad thing. Some valid points buried in there, but the credibility is lost.

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It's a class action lawsuit. It represents the rights of an entire group, even if it's only a single person bringing forward the suit. It's not about the harm done to a single person.

If a thief steals one dollar from a thousand people, you could say "oh, that person only lost a dollar" or you could say "that thief stole a thousand dollars". The harm suffered to each individual was minimal, but harm was suffered, and if you add it all up, a lot of harm was done. That's not frivolous.

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If your only defence for a thing is "it's not technically against the fire code", then it's a fire hazard. Like, if I say "I technically didn't steal your watch", then you would say "give me back my watch".

That's bollocks. Whoever claimed that people used to draw dicks to ward off evil was talking out of their ass to make a dick pic seem classier. They were just embarrassed that their submission in an archeological journal was so similar to what they carved into their desk in school, and I'm damn certain the school desk isn't protected from evil either.

This has very "I have tons of black friends" vibes.

"Bitch" is not a slur. It is a swear. Swears are fine, slurs are not. They are not equivelant, and shouldn't be treated as such.

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Sure, that works. Curse me harder, daddy. Because of you, I like it.

There's a classic Japanese story about a boy called Jugemu Jugemu Gokō-no Surikire Kaijarisuigyo-no Suigyōmatsu Unraimatsu Fūraimatsu Kuunerutokoro-ni Sumutokoro Yaburakōji-no Burakōji Paipopaipo Paipo-no Shūringan Shūringan-no Gūrindai Gūrindai-no Ponpokopii-no Ponpokonā-no Chōkyūmei-no Chōsuke. That's all the first name. No nicknames allowed.

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Well, the British were able to use drugs to start a war on China once. All in the name of cheap tea.

It says something with HIMYM that the season 9 teaser was the kids, all grown up, yelling at future Ted to wrap things up because it's gone on too long.