Europeans, what is something that Americans have/do that makes no sense to you?

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It takes about 8 to 12 hours to drive across Texas, which is longer than it takes to cross Germany. France and Germany have different laws, and so do Texas and New Mexico. Once you realise that the USA is essentially 50 different countries stapled together, it makes a lot more sense.

Well that Germany you mentioned happens to be 16 states stapled together

Alright. So one American state is the size of 16 German ones.

When you compare the size. When you compare the population… it depends.

Texas has a bigger population than Australia. In fact, it would be 51st largest population and 40th largest area in the world if it split off from the USA.

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I'd imagine that France and Germany probably have more similar laws than some US states do because of the EU.

Maybe? The EU is way younger than the US though.

Also the EU is way less powerful over the individual EU countries than the US federal government is over the states.

Not so sure about this.....maybe you could find two states that have very differing laws compared to France-Germany, but on the whole it's probably not true. Kind of hard to quantify that though.

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