Italian woman wins court case to evict her two sons, aged 40 and 42 to World – 282 points –
Italian woman wins court case to evict her two sons, aged 40 and 42

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It could be she made a mistake during their upbringing, if they never have had to do chores as kids, how can you expect them to start at 40?

I'm not sure about the boys doing chores culture in Italy?

My parents would have kicked me out instantly if I lived at home, had a job and didn't contribute and help with chores.

if they never have had to do chores as kids, how can you expect them to start at 40?

Because they are 40 goddamn years old, that's how. Sure, you can blame your parents for your upbringing. But at a certain point, you need to start taking responsibility for that shit. Your parents can't fix you at 40, only you can do that. And if you can't figure that out, that's on you. Not your parents.

There comes a time you grow the fuck up and take responsibility for your own life.

Exactly, at 40 you can google how to do any chore. I was doing chores at a very early age and enjoyed the sense of contributing to the household and the independence.

I agree that you should take responsibility for your own life sometimes after you become an adult latest in like the 20s.

In this case the mother have done all the chores for 40 years, like what was expected of a woman 100-200 years ago, and I'm sure part of it is she still see them as her boys, it just took her 20 years to reach her limit.

Let's be honest, it's pretty easy to learn that stuff.

Making your 75 year old mum do it is frankly disgusting.

If you somehow think I am on the side of the two sons you are mistaken.

And let's be even more honest and use our common sense, there's some parents that don't let their kids do chores, and how should they then learn?

If she always have done all chores and never been tough on them, they have been taught to expect she does all the chores and all the shopping.

I think a 40 year old should be able to figure it out pretty easily.

You don't need a degree to use a mop or a washing machine.

should be able to figure it out pretty easily.

My 7 year old knows how to find a youtube video... watch it... and do it herself. A 40 year old should be more than capable unless mentally handicapped. Also learning things by observation is a thing too... Are we to believe that in the 40 years of their life, they've NEVER seens how mom loads the dishwasher?