Iranian teen injured on Tehran Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died, state media says to World – 370 points –
Iranian teen injured on Tehran Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died, state media says

An Iranian teenage girl injured weeks ago in a mysterious incident on Tehran’s Metro while not wearing a headscarf has died, state media reported Saturday.

The death of Armita Geravand comes after her being in a coma for weeks in Tehran and after the one-year anniversary of the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini which sparked nationwide protests at the time.

Geravand’s Oct. 1 injury and now her death threaten to reignite that popular anger, particularly as women in Tehran and elsewhere still defy Iran’s mandatory headscarf, or hijab, law as a sign of their discontent with Iran’s theocracy.


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Im just saying this is not unique to Islam. There is incest in the Bible among other things. To paint Islam as the worst of the religions does not feel productive to me. They all can eat shit

There's only one religion where a rapists, pedophile, warlord is held up as a role model.

The Catholic Church has left the chat room.

P.S. Not religious, fuck em' all

I don't know of anyone glorifying what priests did to children or how the church covered it up. None of the priests that committed those acts were were held up as models of the church.

Bullshit. That things ever happened was denied, systematically, and priests were held up as models as that's just doctrine.

The fact that the pedophile acts were concealed shows that the church didn't condone them. They certainly didn't make any of those priests the pillar of their religion.


I must have missed the part in the bible where Jesus raped and murdered.

Jesus was a Jew, not a Catholic. I assumed you meant one pope or the other, certainly a lot of warring sex pests among those.

And antipopes!

Bunch of Islamaphobes on Lemmy I guess. I mean, I think it's repressive generally (as most religions) and overall bad, but there are such a wide range of muslims and the fact that Muhammad was a twat has very little bearing on whether they deserve to be reviled or distrusted as humans. Just another fucked up Abrahamic religion. Nothing to see here except FUD, islamaphobia and other -isms and -phobias I'm sure.

We can criticize the religion, what some adherents do & believe, but when we paint billions with the same stroke I think we have lost our way.

Jesus is who Catholics hold up as a role model.

Pedophile priests were not celebrated in the church their acts were hidden.