For people who switched to winter time last night, should we end this? to [Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual – 151 points –

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Let's change our clocks every day so it's always sunrise at 6:25.

No thanks, that would mean it's dark at 2pm here in December.

Then let's change our clocks so 12:00 pm is always the exact middle of the day.

That's probably the ideal situation given that you'd never have to change your clock again. Well, except when traveling east or west. And setting up meetings would be a nightmare, like "let's meet tomorrow at... eh, let me see... 4:13 for you Tom, 3:48 for you Sam, 7:24 for you Jane, oh, you have another meeting at 7:41... Ok, how about... Uhm..."

So, pretty much what lead to time zones in the first place. And yes, you'd have to change your clock every day as each day is shorter (or longer) than the last one.

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