thisIsGoingToBeASeriousDebate to Programmer – 271 points –

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echo Hello World!
use std::process::Command;

fn main() {
        .arg("echo Hello World!")

Like this?

No, more like

use std::process::Command; fn main() { Command::new("sh").arg("-c").arg("echo Hello World!").spawn().unwrap(); }

Just a little bit shorter, as it seems /s

I just fucking threw up

I did too. Multiple times in fact, I had to look at the other Rust code!

Isn't echo a shell builtin?

Yes and no. While coreutils does provide an echo binary, shells also have a built-in for optimisation purposes.

At first I had the code calling the binary directly, but then changed it to spawning a shell (and so using the builtin). It's very cursed either way.