
1 Post – 384 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

You misspelled KeePass

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I can't even manage that in my native language.

manually FTPing the files up to the server seems ridiculously antiquated

But ... but I do that, and I'm only 18 :(

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'Yes boss, I need 16-Bit, 32-Bit and 64-Bit Arm and x86_64 ASM as well as MySQL, SQLite, Postgres, Firebird, Mongo and all other stuff too, so I need a lot of computers ... of course all with Threadripper PRO 7995WX's.

Breaking: Shit company with shit games using shit strategies is treating their customers like shit. What a surprise.

And via a website too. That's like pushing a car. One of the main strengths of Linux are open repositories, maintained by reputable sources and checked by thousands of reputable people. Packages are checksummed and therefore unable to be switched by malicious parties. Even the AUR is arguably a safer and more regulated source. And it's actually in there.

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Well - in this case it's the photo she posted herself, to announce the app.

I'm not

(Phase 1: denial)


echo Hello World!
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Solution: Create a new standard (always works so well)

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Buying or updating an app requires system-wide sign in

Only if one uses the official play store. Which apple does not understand, ofc.

Arch users rn:

while true; do pacman -Syu; done
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Definitely AMD. The drivers are actually open source, much better with less bugs and there are no problems known to me. I currently have had a GTX 1070 for the last 5 years, until I've enough money for an AMD card. My setups, especially Wayland based, are riddled with bugs not present on my (Intel based) laptop - which means the only explanation is the NVidia card. The (admittedly: testing on Arch) drivers have broken two times in a year, not making the system unusable but definitely preventing gaming.
On top of that, the 4090 may be 25% better than the 7900 XTX - but it's also 50+% more expensive than the 7900 XTX, which is a pattern which can be seen for every generation and version of GPUs by Nvidia/AMD. Nvidia's equivalents to AMD's cards are generally 25-50% more expensive, with worse performance but better Raytracing and of course DLSS support - oh wait, DLSS 1 and 2 are only for RTX 20 and up, while DLSS 4 is only for 40 Series GPUs. Which means no matter how good it looks, FSR will be the only alternative for almost all players, even those using NVidia cards like me.

Something different: Intel's Arc GPUs would maybe be worth a shot. According to a PC World article, the A770 beats the 3060 even in it's own habitat - Raytracing. It's cheap and gets better with every driver update. It also seems like the Arc GPUs are compatible with Linux fine, though I'd suggest you look up the compatibility with the games you want to play.

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*9 seconds

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And it needs even less memory than Electron, even if it runs as an own instance with a different profile! I replaced Discord with it a year ago and it's much better in literally every way. I just wish there would be a FF alternative for Electron.

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Also, NVidia.

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I read Mozillas Telemetry docs and Privacy Notice, and the only search data they collect is the general topic, and only in the US. Just claiming they track all your search and use habits because there's telemetry at all is bullshit.

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A typical Linux distro, especially lightweight and simpler ones like Arch, will of course be better than a bloated OS, like Pop or Windows. The only problem with Linux distros might be the choice of tools - X and AMD will work much better overall than Wayland and Nvidia.
Just that many people may have an Nvidia GPU before deciding to use Linux, and some people just prefer to use Wayland over X for literally everything else.

My PC with Wayland + Nvidia has so many problems with gaming, especially flickering and performance, while my Laptop with Wayland + integrated Intel graphics has no problems at all - even in games, that I wonder if Nvidia + Wayland still really sucks ass or if my GPU is just broken. Currently there's a bug where frames are 'switched' somehow, so it's not Frame 1, Frame 2, ... Frame n, but Frame 1, Frame 3, Frame 2, Frame 5, Frame 6, Frame 4 etc.
I expect it to be fixed by an update of nvidia in the future, but there are always such bugs.

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Wait it's also proprietary in addition to being slower, more annoying and much more intrusive than Flatpaks let alone just native packages? That not only makes it heavily obsolete but is even more against the whole point of Linux than Windows' winget (if the open source community repo is used instead of msstore), as snap is hardcoded to use the closed Servers from Canonical. That's just bad on another level honestly.

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There are twenty search and rescue dogs around me, but I can't pet them because we're searching for some dude ahhh

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Does your Windows do this? *doesn't crash*

But seriously, yesterday I cloned my main partition to a new laptop into an LVM volume on LUKS. Because I did not have any way of putting the new NVMe and old SATA SSD into one machine, I just used netcat over an ad hoc network.

nc -l 10000 > /dev/main/root

on the new Laptop and

cat /dev/sda3 | nc 10000 -q 0

on the old one. Worked perfectly. Now do that on Windows with builtin tools in live boots.

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Even vim can show you that
^(fucking nano user)

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If I see someone boasting about programming with AI, in 0.1% of cases they use it responsibly (as a tool to quickly get introduced into a topic and brainstorm ideas) and the rest of times they're probably a script kiddie letting ChatGPT do advent of code or smth and calling themselves programmers.

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That's the generation that doesn't understand computers at all. FFS.

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uBlock on Firefox based browsers works everywhere btw.

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When the astronauts went to the moon, there was nothing there. They certainly weren't bored.

Because it wasn't just a rock, but the first time entering another natural body of mass in the universe, apart from our earth. Something that never happened before. In contrast, over a million players have discovered planets in Starfield by now, including all customly made content by Bethesda for the planets.
The astronauts where excited and happy as they achieved a huge step for humanity - somewhere I heard that before - while one could literally only achieve one small step for a human in Starfield.

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Ha, such a loser. Real programmers use C.ԥ[��\�q��r��8-߿�ʱT�xd]�UG���S;���v�o������ՠ��N�iYts~fv���@ֿ��Qj�\�Q��_"�$�:� �����0��y��G�6�K!~{Ȯ������Z�n�˭s�\��ڣ�:J��1���e�k=�${�Z�3�k~67D�����K���(�P.��v�0��a�����d���6e?=�v�)���a��bF���R��4>�˕�G�=��v-�dP��O�3��+A�nw�|ъ�f۽b�oF�I`'�#��:��̴g>�j:^���O�mu^U�l�A�oI�'�.��j>Dm\����y��2T��8w�D"1������ת«Q����l�"�C�{��������% �_�A�߸�=t��� �X��m�9R�x��)�a�-���tbL�����Ǣs��d$oMZ��4I1jXD���
Segmentation fault

I believe so, yes. Other than that there's the official closed driver. Nvidia also "open-sourced" their driver for the RTX 20 series and up, which you could technically run, but I didn't hear much good from it.

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Bonus points if you had to enable JS beforehand because they load the content in via scripts afterwards.

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I'm gonna name some language "``` head -n1 /dev/random | base64 ``" so it's easy to search

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What the heck tho, how could a simple script destroy a whole machine?

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Just give me the source code. Under GPLv3 of course.

By the time I finished, half the system was extremely outdated and probably vulnerable to dozens of RCEs. Somehow I managed to compile KDE, but not Firefox. It always crashed the whole Laptop - 2 GB RAM wasn't enough.

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And the parts that are open source are basically just a code dump. No commit history, so no comments explaining things in commits. That's worse than some source code leaks.

Also hinders mods, users and especially disabled people to do their work.

on your PC

*on Microsofts PC.

Well half a second delay is pretty noticeable when you ssh into a machine sitting right next to you. It should be instant. And if it isn't something's off.

Mr. Krabs: "I like money"

I'd say:

  • Lightweight (no bloat)
  • No licenses
  • Easier package management (of preinstalled drivers etc.)
  • Easier driver development
  • Much more flexible (Bootloaders, Partitions, etc.)

Bad and closed source software in cars that are designed to be fully controllable by software.