Trump allies are finally admitting election lies were all made up. But the conspiracies still fuel US politics to politics – 437 points –
Trump election lies still fuel US politics – even after Georgia allies flip

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What yanks my short hairs is, we all KNEW (those of us not inculcated into right wing politics) that ALL the election fraud lies were lies and falsehoods, from day one. WE KNEW IT, for a fact, without question. That it takes years for the perpetrators to admit they committed these lies is sickening, and a testiment to the true evil that men harbor inside. A need to hurt and abuse others. It really has implications far scarier than just being a pack of lies.

@tygerprints @BuddyTheBeefalo They are just more assholes. That’s been the problem with humans all along. There is *always* some piece of shit that MUST fuck over everyone else for their own gain. Always.

That's true, that's the whole point of the book "animal farm." No matter how "democratic" you might want society to be, there's always one group of pigs that feels more entitled to bigger slices of the pie. And will do the most corrupt things in order to get it.